A Minnesota fan speaks...

From a friend of mine in Minnesota:

Although I'll say, the IE singer has some pipes on him - he does a great Bruce Dickinson thang.

In any case, I though Into Eternity was pretty interesting musically, plus there was the Canadian pride factor. A cool mix, and I'm now an unlikely fan.


Hey, it's music, it rocks, it's all good.

Anyway, tell them they made a new fan in MN. Actually, I think they made many new fans, but they don't need to know that. If they think it's just me, they might send me an autographed CD or something.


Thought I'd share.

I am also a big fan of these guy's. I have introduced their music to many of my friends. I however can not find anything
that will link them from my myspace page. My pages are

www.myspace.com/mnguitarslayer1 with my awesome demo

and www.myspace.com/mnguitarslayer as a personal site. I would apreciate any thing from this band to put on there or just for people to listen to some of my music.
