A month to go/Studio news


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
It's only a month to go now until we hit the studio again to begin recording the follow up to "Wings of Forever". We'll be bringing you some snippets of info over the next couple of weeks about what you can expect in terms of songs, guest appearances (!), artwork etc

Working title for the new album is.......NEVERWORLD!:yell:
Hey there!

I also can't wait starting to work on it! I am currently preparing everything with the demos I got from Steve...wow, I like it!

Anyway I hope I can fullfill your expectation!

Ciao for now,

Andre is laying down the drum tracks on his great yellow drum kit
see www.yellowdrums.de for his gear

he also has bought the lastest double kick pedal from mapex very fast very smooth

we have recorded 5 of the tracks so far and just the raw mix even sounds great

Andre is doing most tracks in single takes which has been great for the schedule

The guide keys are also going down,we are on a G4 with Pro Tools a full TDM


more news soon

Just to re-iterate what MR Looseunit said...number of tracks done is now 6 including a mammoth eleven and a half minute epic. i suspect another track will be completed by the end of today which leaves another 3 to complete on Monday and Tuesday.

Guide keyboard tracks and some initial orchestration work has been done using a Korg Triton Pro and a Korg 01W.
Seems to be good progress going on.. :)
Can't wait to hear the new songs! Especially the long epic! Can't wait ! !
Hopefully it's not to long before we can start counting the days till the release of 'Neverworld'! :headbang: :D

NP: SoulSource - Track 1 (??)
BTW, will a PQ version of "supersticious" be included on the new album?.. it would be really cool, although I know the album will be a masterpiece anyway :)

NP: Galloglass - Remember the Fire