A month to go/Studio news

Ayeka said:
Superstitious? :confused:

Keep on walking that road and I'll follow
Keep on calling my name I'll be there

Catchy little number from the late 80s! Europe's main single from the Out Of The World album (If my memory is correct). I have the album on red vinyl. My favourite tracks off it was 'Sign Of The Times' and 'Lights And Shadows'
Aaaaaaaaah :cool: don't know that one....

I still think a cover of Caught Somewhere In Time is definately needed somewhere along the line ;)
Hey there....

I confess, it's been a while, since I last showed my nick on here, but sooo much happened in the meantime!
First of all, there was the brief tour with Threshold, including the recording of their live dvd...we were fortunate enough to have just the best clubs on the tourplan, so it was really fun...Although the guys were washed off stage at the open air festival rock hard invited them to to celebrate the magazine's 20th anniversairy.
On the same festival, I had the great pleasure and honour to jump in for my friend Johnny Dee, to play a few songs with the metal queen, DORO...can you imagine how it is to play "all we are" in front off 5000 metalheadz in an amphitheater?
Check it out...it might be on the dvd they plan to make of this event...
Yeah...and surely not to forget...I am currently in London for the recordings, as you read before and it's just so much fun and goes sooo smooth...the new album will be different from the first one...it shows more of the bands ability, writingwise and technicalwise...sounds interestin, ha?
Karl Groom as a producer is so cool...and Richard West also...he is so demanding! Also to hisself...and that's why he is the one who will do some video footage that might end up on the album...oh...did i just tell a secret....oh...

More to be told later on...i got some work to do now...;-)

Ciao for now!

Hehe, it's great too hear that you guys have fun and that the recordings are going well!
So, if possible, could you tell us how this album will be different from "wings of forever"? My guess would be that maybe the music will be slightly more progressive and that it will have a more majestic sound... ;) ..but I don't know, heh..
and still ; can't fucking wait to hear the new tracks!
Oh and, video footage on the album? Awesome! :rock: :D

NP: Thy Majestie - Demons on the Crown
Yellowdrums said:
Karl Groom as a producer is so cool...and Richard West also...he is so demanding! Also to hisself...and that's why he is the one who will do some video footage that might end up on the album...oh...did i just tell a secret....oh...

Sounds cool! :grin:
Good question WW. Well I think should start by saying that we have about 60-70 minutes worth of material this time round and I think an album should be between 50-55 minutes, so we will have 2 or 3 tracks that won't be on the album!

I think there is more variety in the material this time especially in the tempo of the songs...I think I can say that without giving too much away. Some LONG songs too!
could you tell us how this album will be different from "wings of forever"?

this album will have the best of the last album but also will have a more mature power metal sound.

There are some great epic songs which have the speed and passion of wings, but there are some with more mid pace with a taste of the 80s in the mix and some PQ herbs for flavour
this will be ear candy
Andre has been a real asset here his fills are incredible

all i can say is that with just the guide keys drums and guide guitars down at the moment its so catchy i would release this an instrumental album

just be patient

good things come to those who wait

thats for sure :)