"A natural disaster" Countdown

No one got a promo yet I guess... weird.

About the typical MTV clips, breasts, swimming pools and cars and stuff, Anathema should do one with a "slight" ironic touch... I mean, I bet MTV would play it, the stupid f*ckers.

Anyway, I don't have a good feeling about this album. I'm afraid it will be too atmospheric and stuff like that, but I didn't had a good feeling about Moonspell's 'The Antidote' too, and I'm very surprised because it's an astonishing good album, no 'Darkness and Hope'-crap anymore, Moonspell is back in full power. Errmmm, but we were talking about Anathema, right. Well, usually I do write the reviews for stuff like that, so I'm anxiously waiting for 'The Natural Disaster'...

I just hope it will not be Anathema's 'Viva Emptiness'. :erk:
Nina said:
Anyway, I don't have a good feeling about this album. I'm afraid it will be too atmospheric and stuff like that, but I didn't had a good feeling about Moonspell's 'The Antidote' too, and I'm very surprised because it's an astonishing good album, no 'Darkness and Hope'-crap anymore, Moonspell is back in full power.

New moonspell is a good album? Must have listened to a different album then, i found it boring and lacking in creativity, just another album where Fernando is singing (shouting?) even worse (imagine that). In this new album he tries to go back to agressive vocals and stuff. I find his vocals disturbing and his clean ones particulary disturbing (bad english?). And the music...In and above men, in and above men, how many times does he say that?
Oh well, maybe its just me.
Strangelight said:
only if theyre doing commercial music

I don't know if that is true. I mean, most Radiohead singles aren't really easy listening still they sell millions and headline the big summerfestivals.

Also look at the succes of bands like Tool, Portishead, The Mars Volta, Nick Cave,... All artists who don't score top 50 hits yet sell tons of records and are known world wide...

I think with better promotion and aiming the promotion at different magazines and stuff, Anathema could get a lot of new fans. People who are interested in "quality music" :err:
Nina said:
but I didn't had a good feeling about Moonspell's 'The Antidote' too, and I'm very surprised because it's an astonishing good album, no 'Darkness and Hope'-crap anymore, Moonspell is back in full power.

really? i wasnt about to check it out. is it released by now?
Judge gsz said:
I don't know if that is true. I mean, most Radiohead singles aren't really easy listening still they sell millions and headline the big summerfestivals.

Also look at the succes of bands like Tool, Portishead, The Mars Volta, Nick Cave,... All artists who don't score top 50 hits yet sell tons of records and are known world wide...

I think with better promotion and aiming the promotion at different magazines and stuff, Anathema could get a lot of new fans. People who are interested in "quality music" :err:

Yeah but Radiohead didnt get where they are now by doing albums like Kid A. Go back through their singles and they are 'singles' like.
About the other stuff, back to that old discussion again that MFN is a metal label and would Anathema be taken seriously in the world of 'alternative' rock?
Mariner said:
really? i wasnt about to check it out. is it released by now?

No, end of september somewhere... and it's really a very good album. I expected it to be bad, and at first I thought: nothing special, but after listening it few times I rated it 7/7 for Mindview mag.
hmm i never thought about it. yeh, cause if they would be at emi for example people will pay attention (esp magazines and that) because theyre on emi