A Natural Disaster- lyrics

i will buy it as soon as i see it in the record store, (it's too bad that the MDB album is re-scheduled for january, otherwise it would be a really great double present for me birthday)...
The album is definitely worthy the purchase
Ivo said:
i will buy it as soon as i see it in the record store, (it's too bad that the MDB album is re-scheduled for january, otherwise it would be a really great double present for me birthday)...
The album is definitely worthy the purchase
how come the MDB has been put back till next year?
Strangelight said:
how come the MDB has been put back till next year?
dunno, i read about that in their message board... aaron said that there was problem with artworks or something... he said something about delay till the end of the year or till earlier next year... i read something (don't remember where) for january...
try listening to music 12 hours a day with 3-4 albums you are able to buy a month!! Though I never met the type u wrote, ppl with only copies.. I rather know ones with some hundreds of originals (FUCK, I need to buy a whole fuckin bookcase for them from time to time) and thousands of cdrs. I guess the next phase will be when i compress my Originals, burn them to DVD-Rs and throw the cases out. :)

"Let the person who has never broken God's Law throw the first stone"
Strangelight said:
Right you shameless downloading creeps! I suppose you've got all the lyrics deciphered too eh?

Nope ! There are no lyrics in the promo CD and I can't understand everything, but what I understood is top lyrics as usual.
whats that song you were messing about dunc, with the crap riff? mariner played it in the car the other day haha. you know, that one :

mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
whats that song you were messing about dunc, with the crap riff? mariner played it in the car the other day haha. you know, that one :

ah i like that song tho :p but i skipped it especially for you ;)