A negar whose neck beckons a noose.

So where the hell is that snippet taken from anyways? I can't find any information on this and it seems like a big joke.
He got a 3.5 mill deal for it.

i'm assuming they're adding in royalties ?

So I wasn't in the US when all this shitz was going down -- were people watching the court case like a daytime soap opera then?

I always hear people asking, "so where were you when OJ was found not guilty", as if 250 million Americans tuned in to watch the final score.
So where the hell is that snippet taken from anyways? I can't find any information on this and it seems like a big joke.

What google are you using?

@JK...yeah, pretty much. I was in high school at the time and kids were all happy and shit that he was free, screaming in the halls. wtf. Some classes even had the shit on television!! WTF!:zombie:
I recall the L.A. riots much more than I remember the O.J. debacle. I just remember turning the tv on and seeing the slow motion chase in the white Bronco and wishing someone would've started shooting. No one did so I turned it off. Next time I heard about O.J. was that attorney on Seinfeld who was a charicature of Johnny Cochran.
All of the news about the book is coming from The National Enquirer...

This leads me to think that there is a very large chance this is all bullshit.
It was in all the major papers up here I think. And on television last night news reporters were discussing it, talking about the specific publisher he has a deal with etc.
Hang him publicly right alongside Saddam.


Jackie: (to Kramer and Stan) Damn fools! Look at that! We got nothing now, nothing! I've been practicing law for 25 years; you're listening to a caddy! This is a public humiliation! You can't let the defendant have control of the key piece of evidence. Plus, she's trying it on over a leotard, of course a bra's not gonna fit on over a leotard. A bra gotta fit right up a person's skin, like a glove!
I always hear people asking, "so where were you when OJ was found not guilty", as if 250 million Americans tuned in to watch the final score.

LOL - actually, I remember the Bronco car chase much more than the verdict reading. I was in a pizza shop buying a delicious chicken parm grinder when I looked up and saw the breaking news. Talk about a "WTF?" moment.

"These people will go and kill someone and go have chicken at KFC."

Whether he meant it or not, that's racist. But hilarious.