a new interview

Alexi says the youth of his hometown Espoo was divided into nerds, bullies and hevy metallers. "I don't really like Espoo at all, but I like the surroundings. These days I live in East Helsinki, which I dig the most."

Laiho found heavy through his older sister and her long haired boy friend, who familiarized him with Twisted Sister and WASP. Little by little his taste of heavy went into the most aggressive direction. As a teenager Alexi only listened to death metal.

"I'm at my strongest when I'm pissed off. That's the best feeling to write music. Being fucked up brings you energy."

"It's better to use the energy at the stage, not by going to beat people up with baseball bats. I think playing heavy is a good way to let go of your aggressions."

CoB planned to advertize their new album by making shredded tent houses for four people with Are You Dead Yet? inscribed on them. The plan failed because these days it's hard to find the right kind of tents, and a bowl shaped one would not fit into the style.

"Miraculously we've never had any shit boiled on our backs because of the band's name. We do not want to disrespect any of these victims or their relatives in any way."

"All this Bodom thing and our Bodom related songs represent the fictional side of our band. It's cartoon for us, not reality."

Laiho says he hates the buses. "As a teenager I had to go out early on the morning to the freezing climate to wait for buses. When I saw people driving by with cars I decided that someday I'll be the one driving by and looking at people standing in wet snow waiting for buses."

"My first car was a 320 BMW, pretty good teenager roadster. After that I've had Yankees. They're just so fucking nice to drive."

Now at Laiho's garade there's a Pontiac Firebird, which will receive Chevrolet Corvette technology. As a winter car he's got a 90's stage-Chevrolet.

"I also have a 74 Dodge Monaco, which is the same as in the movie Blues Brothers. An insane roarer with a tuned 7.3 liter engine. When it's tanked with hundred liters of 98, it costs a lot with today's prizes. On the other hand it's my only hobby outside music."

Roope Latvala used to drive a rail metro. For him to be hired up in CoB was a lottery win. "I think it was a terribly wrong thing that Roope would not play in some succesful band. After all, Roope is one of the best guitarists in the world."

Laiho first heard Stone when he was ten. The band's nr.2 guitarist Jiri Jalkanen lived in his neighbour back then. "I went crazy because of Stone. Not just because someone can be better than Metallica and Megadeth, but because they come from Finland - and from my neighbour."
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Alexi says the youth of his hometown Espoo was divided into nerds, bullies and hevy metallers.
I can somehow imagine him as a bully. Or a metalhead AND bully.
And being given a BMW by one's parents. :yow: Christ on a public toilet. I thought it was "Laiho", not "Hilton"...oh well. Spoilt little pig, but still a good musician.
Morrigu20 said:
I found an article on Finnish music in general that mentions COB briefly: http://www.crikey.com.au/articles/2005/09/12-0956-8764.html

Seriously, you should ALL read that article! It contains lots of reasons why I am truly proud of my country and it's music=). We're weird and we're quite original. And they forgot to mention Table drumming championship, (in which you get extra points for originality, for example if you use your head as a stick...) cell phone throwing, and hag/wife carrying world championships=D. Not to mention mudfootball Finnish championship.... Welcome to Finland.... And Screaming Men are great!=)