A new Maiden tour rumour

Hmmm... If that were true, it would be the greatest slap in the face to the local industry in a long time, particularly as most of it has paid little more than lip service to true metal over the years. The Livid organisers could certainly make the kind of offer that Maiden would be after to tour here and it would be a guaranteed sell out crowd. I would certainly want to hear more about this. It's not the sort of rumour you would expect to find on a site like that one.
I spent a good half-hour talking to a complete stranger[1] last night, who had also heard the Maiden/Livid rumour...

*[1]I was wandering the mall in search of dinner, wearing my patch jacket; he was attracted to the Blind Guardian patch. :)
exactly what bands play at livid in terms of style?? If it's not really a metal oriented gig, then wouldn't they just be playing to a crowd with a huge stack of people who are only semi-interested?
The crowd wouldnt be made up of fans, it took 9800 copies to go to number one in Australia, Maiden went to 20 with DOD didnt they? That would be about 2000 Australia wide, if you are lucky...
The Livid organisers do their research. If there's any truth to this rumour, they wouldn't have even been asked if the promoters didn't think it wouldn't be successful. I'm not convinced it's anything more than a rumour, but I'm far more optimistic about this possibility than all the hearsay about a stand alone tour we've heard over the years. I seem to recall Maiden saying they would be restricting live performances to festival-type events from now on, so there could well be some truth in it.
Yeah, it is somewhat more believable than every other rumour that has floated around since Bruce's promo tour of BNW.

About how successful it would be, do you think all the metal heads that attended the Big Day Out actually own Load, ReLoad and St. Anger? Surely not, but it was a huge success. Yes I know Metallica is a much bigger band than Maiden in this country, but I am just trying to say current record sales aren't a reflection of how successful a tour would be. Hell, I own shit all Black Sabbath, Testament, and not a whole lot of Dio on cd, but I would be the first in line for tickets to all of their shows.
Blitzkrieg said:
Yeah, it is somewhat more believable than every other rumour that has floated around since Bruce's promo tour of BNW.

About how successful it would be, do you think all the metal heads that attended the Big Day Out actually own Load, ReLoad and St. Anger? Surely not, but it was a huge success. Yes I know Metallica is a much bigger band than Maiden in this country, but I am just trying to say current record sales aren't a reflection of how successful a tour would be. Hell, I own shit all Black Sabbath, Testament, and not a whole lot of Dio on cd, but I would be the first in line for tickets to all of their shows.
Blitzy my friend, do you live in a parallel dimension? Load onwards has sold FAR more albums than pre black album, so yes, obviously nearly every metalhead owns a copy, even if they decided the albums suck. It wasnt a big success because there were metalheads there, it was a big success because just about every person in Australia who like hard rock would own the black album onwards!

I really think you guys are being very optimistic about how many people would go to Livid just because Iron Maiden played. Im sure there would be people who would go to relive some memories who hadnt bought a Maiden album since 1990 or whatever, but not that many...
Yes alot of people own those albums, but there is also alot of fans that don't who wouldn't think twice about seeing them live, the same as many bands really. Perhaps Slayer would have been a better example. On their last two tours they have sold out Festival Hall in Melb which is a good sized venue. I can guarantee there would have been hundreds of fans there that didn't own the last few Slayer albums, but wouldn't have thought twice about whether to go or not.

On top of this, Maiden, like Metallica, are known to be a very strong live act, and in a festival situation, people that are there will stick around to get into the live set just on reputation alone. I am sure there would have been alot of the kidz at the BDO that weren't heavily into Metallica, but got right into their set, because they are an awesome live band and they know a few songs. Festival sets are usually made up of 'greatest hits' material.

So I think there would be alot of metal fans come out of the woodwork and show up for Maiden, and there would also be alot of standers by who would give them a chance. Especially in this day in age where alot of popular modern bands site Maiden as a heavy influence, people will give them a chance.