A new Metaller is Born...


Producer/Composer at AM3
Dec 9, 2010
Mountains of Earth
Hey There,

I'm kinda new here, which has made it kinda hard for me to know where to start. lol
First things first, I originally was a hardcore Dragonforce/DragonHeart fan, but as of recent times, I found it was time to broaden my metal field.

Since I've followed Power Quest through the ups and downs, I've never really taken time to listen to the music however. But starting yesterday, I've ONLY listened to them/you. It's really good! So good, I've already began to second think Dragonforce for top position.

:OMG: :headbang:

So yeah, at least you have "ONE" more fan who is ready to support and dedicate time to a band. Also, I'm from Norway (do we have any fellow peers in here?)

Well that's all folks...

Have a good one!
Hey dude! A very warm welcome to the forum.....great to have you here with us!

We've got a really cool community here...many of whom have been posting here for a number of years and I'm sure they will make you feel very welcome too!

Is born? I thought someone was announcing a new born child!

Yet another Dragonforce defector! Good to see more support, I suppose it's too bad a lot of metalheads don't come accross PQ on their own merits rather than the association with DagronForks.

I'm a little confused that you've "followed Power Quest through the ups and downs" but at the same time have "never really taken time to listen to the music". I don't think you've followed them closely enough ;) But if broadening your metal horizons beyond DF is what you want then you've made a step in the right direction! If you really want to indulge your power metal tastes, just ask a few guys here for recommendations! We're awesome at that ^_^
Hey Steve,

Thanks for the warm welcome...I will spend some more time here just to get to know some things about PQ. Also, tuning on the music as we speak, which I have been doing the last 2 days straight.
Sure, go for it! List a few other "must have" Power Metal bands that I should listen too. I have In Flames (even though that's not Power) and Sonata Arctica to name a few...
I will always love DF, for their music, but it think it was time for me to move on and start listening to more PM bands. I found PQ when I heard "Lost Without You" a while ago.

By the way, a quick question, does PQ ever tour outside the UK? I mean, Norway has a rich metal tradition. And I would love to see them, but if they don't travel so often abroad then I guess I should pack my bags and leave. lol.


P.s. No kids where harmed, harassed or born in this thread.
I used to be a diehard Dragonforce fan for years... won't get into that, but I'll just say I'm glad you've decided to open up to some other stuff.

Must have power metal bands? Well, you already have Power Quest and Sonata Arctica (Sonata being absolutely one of the most unique and talented in the game...), here are my other recommendations for staple bands:

Blind Guardian

Those are absolutely the ones you should check out... they're all incredible and pretty much the leading names in the genre these days.
I will check some of them out. I have a picture of Nightwish, Kamelot, Blind Guardian I need to know more of, and Stratovarius I've all heard about. I still need to work on knowing more bands...
I personally wouldn't put Nightwish in there as incredible but they are a big name which gets a lot of popularity.

Well you asked for it but power metal (& other melodic metal) bands which get my recommendation:

Blind Guardian
Cain's Offering
Cellador (if you like a DragonForce-y sound)
Children of Bodom
Concerto Moon
Cryonic Temple
Demons & Wizards
Dream Evil
Dream Tale
Dreamquest, Luca Turilli's
Freedom Call
Gamma Ray
Iced Earth
Lost Horizon
Luca Turilli
Magic Kingdom
Manilla Road
Micheal Angelo Batio (if you're a fan of shred)
Pagan's Mind
Powerglove (if you like video games)
Primal Fear
Silent Force
Sonata Arctica
Supreme Majesty
Symphony X
Titan Force
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Within Temptation
Yngwie Malmsteen

And that's all I can think of right now. :headbang:
Well, I just threw him the major names because those are the staple bands he should check out, I wasn't going to throw him a bunch of lesser-known, obscure bands without first getting into the big/'gateway' power metal bands :lol: And I certainly wouldn't consider bands like Ensiferum/Nevermore/etc. even close to the genre, but hey, it's all good.
Welcome to the forum Astrolis :headbang: always good to see someone expand their musical horizons you'll get many a suggestion of bands to check out here... although Dom seems to have covered most in one post :lol:

There is certainly a lot to enjoy in this genre of metal :kickass:
Hey Steve,

Thanks for the warm welcome...I will spend some more time here just to get to know some things about PQ. Also, tuning on the music as we speak, which I have been doing the last 2 days straight.
Sure, go for it! List a few other "must have" Power Metal bands that I should listen too. I have In Flames (even though that's not Power) and Sonata Arctica to name a few...
I will always love DF, for their music, but it think it was time for me to move on and start listening to more PM bands. I found PQ when I heard "Lost Without You" a while ago.

By the way, a quick question, does PQ ever tour outside the UK? I mean, Norway has a rich metal tradition. And I would love to see them, but if they don't travel so often abroad then I guess I should pack my bags and leave. lol.


P.s. No kids where harmed, harassed or born in this thread.

You are more than welcome dude!

The main reason we have rarely ventured outside of the UK is primarily down to finance and the costs of such tours. We have been offered a number of European tours over the past few years but at that point we had no tour support from the label so all costs such as transport, buy ons, catering etc would have to be covered by the band. To give you an idea....a 3 week European tour can cost in the region of £15000.

Would love to be able to come to Norway and play......we were booked for a festival in Norway a few years ago but the event was cancelled.
Yeah touring outside of the UK for you guys would be pretty damn expensive. Just stick to what you can =P
Well, I just threw him the major names because those are the staple bands he should check out, I wasn't going to throw him a bunch of lesser-known, obscure bands without first getting into the big/'gateway' power metal bands :lol: And I certainly wouldn't consider bands like Ensiferum/Nevermore/etc. even close to the genre, but hey, it's all good.

I thought back to when I was in that position or past times when people wanted suggestions. Just the 3 or 4 "major names" never seemed to suffice especially when power metal comes in such variety and different flavours. People always want more and you can never broaden your horizons too much. And I did say 'melodic metal' too. Certainly those I mentioned have a good chance of floating your boat if you're into power metal, they aren't obscure in that sense.

expect him to check them all

Now go back and read my response. I don't expect him. You've imagined that intention.
And I did say 'melodic metal' too. Certainly those I mentioned have a good chance of floating your boat if you're into power metal, they aren't obscure in that sense.
I haven't paid attention to every single word, but I doubt he was asking for Melodic metal bands. He probably wasn't even looking for as much bands as you listed there, which is possibly 20 or 30(haven't counted them all so I'm just assuming)

Now go back and read my response. I don't expect him. You've imagined that intention.
Are you an idiot? I imagined nothing, I don't even care if you expected him to check them all or not. It's just funny that you give him a huge list of bands and let him dig your list to find ones that are suitable for him.
Maybe actually read and understand what's going on before you knee-jerk type whatever comes to mind. That is the only indication of idiocy.

Guy wants power metal bands. I suggest some he'd like. Some that are directly power metal and some that ARE suitably associated to power metal. That it is a big number isn't funny, weird or unconstructive. I don't understand your problem but your attitude is not welcome.
I thought I dealt with this previously......but there is a slightly aggressive undertone developing. There is NO need for phrases like "Are you an idiot" on this forum
Well, that was a question, not an insult. I've heard much worse phrases in this topic so it's quite unfair to yell at me about this one particularly

And also all I was trying to say is that the list was so huge that it just doesn't make sense that he will get to check all these bands.