A new song-wannabe - POD-New 7Stringer!


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hey guise, I bought myself a Demon7 like 2 weeks ago, and after fine tuning it (it came pretty "in shape" from factory though, good thing) and after playing with it a lot i recorded some riffs, the idea is to have vocals on the top


How do you think it's going for a song? Do you think it's a decent sound? i feel like a total boob sucker with the new axe :D

Cheers, and thanks for the ears :kickass:

Btw, bass is Ruby.
thanks man! yeah i think the guitar is a bin thin but ok for the style, i feel if i let it a little wilder in the low's everything explodes to fuck... Cheers! thanks for hearing
FearComplexMusic said:
Good work! Has a lot of attitude when it's grooving with the double kicks.

Thanks man, i was actually a bit worried about losing the original character of the guitars on the "fast" riffs, i think that's what takes the most time out of my mixes, getting something hearable, with the character intact. I think i made it there!

re:inanimate said:
amazing bro! i like a lot, this me remember in some part to Fear Factory!Congratulations,great sound!

Awesome that you say that 'cause i work on tightness a lot :D and i like that sort of artificial tightness they have too!

Thanks a lot for the comments and ears! :tickled:
yeh man , thats a serious fucking riff there!!! sounds sweet on this here laptop!!!
keep up the good work bro , your last mix had attitude too manG:headbang: