A newb question for all Symphony X experts


New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2005

I woud like to know the title and composer of the piece quoted in Fool's Paradise. If its Bach, that would be awesome because I'm taking a course on Bach right now and the professor would love to listen to the song.

Also, any other classical pieces quoted in Sympony X's music and which song they are found in would be great. Thanks alot in advance!

hyeok said:

I woud like to know the title and composer of the piece quoted in Fool's Paradise. If its Bach, that would be awesome because I'm taking a course on Bach right now and the professor would love to listen to the song.

Also, any other classical pieces quoted in Sympony X's music and which song they are found in would be great. Thanks alot in advance!


Read this post please: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=184671
Luis, I'm still contesting you relating Inferno to Summer by Vivaldi. I learned how to play Inferno and I also know how to play that movement of the Four Seasons on gutiar and I see no quotes of Summer in Inferno at all. It is similar in that it contains a pedal tone kind of melody, but that is a very common musical technique, and I wouldn't atribute it to being a quote from the 3rd Movement of Summer. If anything its way more similar to the first part of Yngwie's Trilogy Suite.
I'm with Matt on the Summer/Inferno thing - I don't really see any similarities. It is a bit similar to Trilogy Suite, though.

I remember when I got this one Bach CD, Harpsichord Concerto no. 1 came on and I thought it was very cool how Symphony X fit it in their song so well. That's such a great piece.