A Night in The Forest (poem)


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Weary wonderer close your eyes
The sun is setting, no place to go
In darkness find Hell in Heaven
And so on this dreadful earth travel
'Til the last day preach
Spreading your illness like fire in the weeds
The Moon, she symbolizes your goal
So bright and beautiful
As well as painless to your eyes
But never within your reach; too high is she
So take this night off from from what's real
Superstition is ripe to harvest
All night sounds magnified by your fears
So close your eyes and shut them out
Never forget what lurks beyond
Monsters so hideous and evil
Darkness chants the birth rights
To greater powers of the mind
Cuddle closer to your camp fire
Maybe the dying light will keep them at bay
Hopefully your light will last just a few more hours
Just 'til dawn awakens
Then you shall be able to escape this forest
Escape your fears
But oh, no!
Here comes the wind, there goes your light!
Smoldering embers cannot forge a mental sword
Weary wonderer close your eyes
The sun is gone, never to rise
Their swords and teeth stained with your blood
Your cries
A whiplash of imagination
An easy overdose
Most potent drug of all
Massive blood spilling from your mind
How could you let yourself get so far behind?
To believe that your religion could be so cruel
Teach you the values of faith
And yet not teach you to develop strength
Never to realize that darkness is peace, calmness
With musical plays that never end
'Til the first ray of light