A night of rock


Sep 9, 2002
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On Friday the 31st March i went to a local venue called The Charlotte.Its the venues people play before they are famous you name them they probably played there.It holds about 300 people and the sound is mostly crap.
I arrived there about 8ish so i missed the first band and head for ..........you guessed it the bar.After a few pints i could tell the sound check was coming to an end.But instaed of the roadies getting off the stage they started to play .LOUDLY.
For those of you who don't know Tokyo Dragons are the UKs " next big thing".They look like a bunch of roadies and play like they are in front of 3000 people.Music wise they remind me of AC/DC playing Motorhead.There is no doubt they have read the Rock n Roll book of shapes,because they knew them all.They hold there guitars aloft as in offer the the great God of Rock and shout swear words(cool).Also the word Rock is used as a noun,verb etc.By the time they finnished their set the 90 strong crowd was won over.
To the bar i said to my mates .To which they replied "What" but with the use of sign laguage we worked out what was needed.
Headliners Nashville Pussy are one the greatest no bulshit down to earth pure Rock n rool bands i have ever seen.The singer look like the guy who repaired the cars in the Dukes Of Hazzard.The bass player was a babe with tude.And the lead guiterest was a rock chick who played guitar like a motherfucker from hell.With song tittles like ,Piece of ass,blowjob from a rattlesnake and Get me the drugs you new what you were gonna get and they didnt dissapoint.
After the gig i got talking to Nashville Pussys singer about soul and blues.He invited us back stage where we drank free be beer until God knows when.I dont remember getting home but thw said my landing gear was gone and i woke thw kids.Oh well if gonna rock,rock hard.
Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. I like Nashville pussy, talked to the female bassist last summer when they were at the Sjock-festival in Gierle. All the band members are pretty nice people and their music is good old rock, I like that, anyway my friend got the bassists plectrum (the thing you hit the strings with) and another friend of mine got the drummers drumsticks. They were even signed. I hope they come back this year too.
Tokyo dragons are a good band seen em a few times last time was supprting the almighty earlier this year

they seem to be supporting everyone at the mo which is good :D
For Nashville Pussy try:
Let Them Eat Pussy.
Get Some.
High As Hell.
Say Something Nasty.
Thats all there albums.But i would download them in that order.As for Tokyo Dragons i only know there new album "Give Me Fear".Which does the live show no justice.