A pointless thread about Scotland


Aug 5, 2009
Fuck me, how could it happen?????

Never before have I witnessed such misfortune

Should have beat the dutch 5-1 with the chances we had

The fuckin ball just wouldn't hit the back off the net and one fuckin slip cost us a point

Time to retire Mr Weir, I thank you for your commitment to the Scotland jersey but that slip cost us

Yet again it's another gloryious failure, too fuckin little too fuckin late

This campaign was just a total disaster and hearing England winning 5-1 against Croatia just made my night

From now till the World Cup all us Scots will hear is how England will win the WC

I don't hate England or anything, it's just their fuckin media and smug face Linker and turncoat Hansen will be their "How we are so fuckin going to win the damm thing"

Yep I am dissappointed, even Greece fucked it up by losing a last minute goal against Moldova (I have family in Greece and I was planning going to Greece to support them if Scotland failed to qualify and it looks like it's goan doon ra pan)

Weir is a fucking moron, fucking fell at least 3 times that I saw, but that fall cost us the fucking game. FUCK OFF WEIR.

Kenny fucking Miller cannae hit the back of the net and neither can Maloney, do neither of them have depth perception? Chip the ball over the fucking goalie who is sprawled out on the ground about 2ft away, all it needed was a little bit of height and we would've been like 3-0 up.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. I want them to keep Burley, he's a decent fucking manager, it's nae his fault we have morons in the team.
It's the afternoon after and the it still hasn't got any better

I had a weird dream about KM, his fake tanned face was ballooned up and he had Jackie Stallone style lips and then it hit me

I was punching the fuck out of him and his face was all swollen and he said, just lift the ball high and it will be a direct hit

Biziarre or what?
Funniest thing is about Weir

The press brought him out of retirement by stating that Burley made a mistake not playing him against Norway because his 2 previous games resulted in clean sheets

I blame KM more as he is a striker and he failed to take one of his 3 chances