The Official Bitch About A Band Thread

I really don't like Nightwish. I mean the guy's vocals can be good but the rest of it is very shit in my opinion. They have a few good songs perhapsm, but not many. I've tried to listen but I just can't. Listen to their cover of "Symphony of Destruction", it's the equivalent to used shit as earplugs then using a drill to dig it out.

And Symphony X... they are the biggest overrated turdnugget I've heard. Sure they are technically good, but their music to me is boring and just gets tiresome after the first 20 seconds. A lotof people here are in love with this band but I tried and never could get into them. Some songs have good music, but their vocals are like a homeless guy sucking a cock while begging for pennies at the same time. They are seriously REALLY bad, I think Kim Goss does a better job than the Symph X singer.
I hate Napalm Death. Annoying! If they're suppose to be grindcore, they're not doing a good job at it. It sounds like a mix of death and hardcore.
Grindcore in general is annoying as hell. I can't stand it. Although one genre beats them in overall annoyance and gayidity: Deathcore. Completely pointless genre that just needs to go away
My friend lives somewhere in Australia and he said it was either there or New Zealand

Near where i live there is a island and the my pals burned down the police station because the cops kill some drunked fuckhead who was in a car crash luckily they can not get off the island because ferry's do not go there.