Bitch about Work thread..

I like my job. The people I work with are awesome and we all get along really well. I just can't stand majority of the customers... most of whom are black. They'll come in and either whisper or slur what they're looking for and I have to ask them 5 times what they said. And instead of RAISING their voice to be more audible over the Testament or Norma Jean we're playing in the store, they'll get quieter like I have super human hearing. Some will get a little riotous, but most will just keep repeating it at the same volume. I take the blame and say it's because I have bad hearing...

Plus I make crap wages.
today we had eight outfasts(dogs that needed to be out by 11-12) and 18 dogs in by that point. We couldn't get them all done in time, some were big, some had really long hair which took alot of time to wash.

the customers called. Where's my dog? I brought my dog in an hour ago, I need my dog now.

Well, screw you. I'm not at your dog yet, you're going to have to wait with everyone else.

So on and on, complaints, they had to wait, blah blah blah. Twelve o clock comes, the woman's not there to pick up her dog. 12:30, no where. Finally by 1:20 she comes, after she bitched and bitched about needing it at 12.
i've never groomed dogs, but i know it's not a speedy process when you have alot of dogs to take care of at once. my dog would be sent for grooming and we would just know it would take some time and just pick her up a few hours later.
i've never groomed dogs, but i know it's not a speedy process when you have alot of dogs to take care of at once. my dog would be sent for grooming and we would just know it would take some time and just pick her up a few hours later.

by the time my brother and I walked in(around 8:10am), there were at least eight dogs.
I always wanted to work for the metroparks system. It'd be awesome to be in nature 24/7, and caring for animals and the ecosystem. Plus busting people would rule. I have uncles and cousins who are rangers, but they are so underpaid it's not funny. It just goes to show america has no concern for parks, teachers, firemen, police, etc. Unless you can hit a homerun or shoot a basketball, you'll never earn a million. Fucked up.
I was on my way downstairs tonight to clock out and go home, when I ran into some customers that were still in the building at 7:15 and wanting to get out (we closed at 7:00). There was another employee there, trying to find the extension for the manager. I helped her rummage through her papers and found the extension for her, and I think I forgot to clock out. OH WELL.

Customers :bah: