A post-rock song


Jan 20, 2008
Some recent stuff to keep me busy besides work and writing new stc songs. Plus it helps me get my mind off of things, really relaxing!


Maybe I'll do some more songs and release some kind of ep (you in on a collab on this gareth? ;) )

Let me know your opinions bitches.

Seems like I uploaded the wrong file, wrong mix and only 2 mins (its supposed to be 6 minutes)
Embarrassing considering the old upload pretty much sucked. :oops:

Updated the link!
This is really, really amazingly good and soothing. Can't believe I forgot to comment on this! :p

edit : now upload the full song you sent me
1000x better :)
Fuck! I didn't notice, seems like I've uploaded the wrong file, wrong mix and only 2 mins (its supposed to be 6 minutes)
Embarrassing considering how much the old upload sucked. :oops:


Updated the link!
I really enjoyed it, that was awesome. :D

By the way, just wondering what happened with Handful of Nothing. Haven't heard anything about it for a while.