A question about latency


Sonic Incision
Jul 29, 2007
between sine waves
Hi, I have a question, a n00b one :p. If, lets say I have a perfect 100%-on-the-grid guitar take which I am recording, and Nuendo reads 6ms latency on my asio driver - will that take be printed 6ms after the grid in Nuendo, or will it be on the grid, but it's playback will be 6ms late?

Also, this may seem kinda dumb, but I'll ask anyway - does this latency applies to ALL? (I'm asking this because for example I have a mic preamp going in through interface via spdif connection. So, if I am recording 2 tracks at the same time, one through interface's mic pre, and the other through preamp which is hooked up to interface via spdif, will that latency be apllied to both tracks? I am confused about this cause it's a digital connection, so I am not sure)

Latency should be the same for both spdif and interface analog inputs, if there are no specific problems with external pre.
If interface reports latency, then Nuendo will adjusts recorded tracks positions accordingly, the only problem exists if drivers don`t take into account converters latency (about 1 ms), some interface (ASIO drivers) have such behavior. At least ESI Juli@ acts in such way, only reported latency is compensated. Cubase/Nuendo and other hosts provides recording placement offset (record shift) control to adjust for exact latency.