A question about motW's demos...


Giant Member
Feb 8, 2006
Basically, I should title this

I was talking to a buddy in a Prog-Metal chatroom(geeky, I know), and the subject of our conversation once again to the greatness motW was. To my surprise, he said that he had all of the demos on his hands:err: and that he is not letting me have them. I sent him a message, after he left, that I am not trusting him unless he gives me the names of the tracks, so that I can check the credibility, but after searching through the internet and finding NOTHING I have become rather desperate.

Is there really no information on the net about motW pre-Fruits?:cry:
yeah one of the band members uploaded that 'swarming' song a while back. you can find the names of the demos on wikipedia, but no track names.
No, he was like "I've got a load of motW's rare demo tracks", to which I replied "the bonus tracks on B/LYBM? I am aware of those!", but he denied that. Of course, there's always a possibility of just joking around/pissing me off, but the same guy amazed me with unexpected truth a few times in the past, plus he has absolutely no sense of humour whatsoever.

We live on different continents, which means we have about an hour before one needs to go to beda day to talk to each other, so hopefully he will message me the 'supposedly' track names and maybe someone from the band present during motW days will confirm or reject this possibility. I mean, they had THREE demos of unreleased material before the debut, obviously, someone MUST have it. I have been searching for information about it since the last year, and that sounds almost enlightening.
^ Nice to know, it sounds like it may be true... Now, I've recieved his PM to me.

"hey the tracks are call'd

They Aren't All Beautifull demo
Stones Of October's Sobbing demo
Birth Pains of Astral Projection demo
Garden Song (dandy horns)
horror of lunar's retreat
the Ocean the Kingdom and the Temptation
Through Languid Veins Bonus Track - Uncovering The Gift"

Not as exciting as I expected. Not even sure if I should ask for confirmation either. Bah, I am locking the thread. :erk:

edit: Nevermind, I can't edit, it seems.
no, and I think Toby has specifically requested they not be, as some of the tracks are essentially recordings by 16-year-olds feeling around and learning about how to one day make the music that would end up as motW.

I still think they're awesome, but I'm biased. I mean, I heard them when I was 17.
Me and a friend have been desperatly trying to track down motW's demos, with no luck so far (The only song I've managed to find outside the bonus demo tracks is "Dandy Horns"). Greg Massi says he and Toby don't want the demos to be released because the album versions are better, sounds kind of silly to me. Aura, do you have the Odes artwork and could you post it if so? That would be cool.

I wish I could find any of the demo recordings :(
mwa ha when i was home last night i pulled out "through languid veins" and caressed it and thought about how it will never appear on the internet! including the pictures of toby, greg, and byron inside (toby with 3 eyes, greg looking like a Satanist).