A question about "over-burning"

here in italy i found cd's of 90 minutes [and i made the same thing with bootlegs!] and also of 100 mins. you must set the properties of the program you use to burn, and tell it that you want to go over the common 74 - 80 minutes. NERO says to do it at your own risk! anyway, overburning works, with my pc. and the 800 mb cd's exist.
Overburning is only safe/reliable if it's like a minute more than what it's supposed to carry. Nero's website has a program called CDSpeed or something like that to test how much you can overburn a CD.

And anything overburned, including the CDRs over 80 minutes, have next to no error protection (the extra space is meant for table of contents, etc.), degrades much faster (CDRs do degrade if they aren't burned properly or they are bad brand), and won't be read in all CD players (due to it not being in standard form - I think it's referred to as Redbook or Orangebook audio).

Misanthrope is right, just split it into two CDs, you save yourself plenty of grief this way.
Two c.ds of 45 minutes each would be pretty good actually. It would at least give the illusion of being a massive concert! ;)
Wow.. ok.. thanks for all your input! I figured I'd just make it a 2-cd boot... I agree that raw cdr's are cheap enough to splurge forThe ones I use are 80 min. and totally generic. They seem to work fine, so I buy ridiculously cheap. So far no problems yet.
Either way- thanks again- you guys rule.;)