A question for Swedes

Johnny T.

Feb 21, 2003
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Hey, I've got a quick question. I can't seem to find any answers myself, so I figured there would be a few people from Sweden here that may know.

Is it true that the Swedish government funds musicians and bands?

My friend has been telling people this, and I find it a bit hard to believe.

If it is in fact true, please give me details on how one would get this funding and any standards you would have to meet.

Also, he said metal bands are not allowed to get this funding because they burn down churches... ... ... Yeah...
i dont know about not getting it for burning churches but i have read some interviews with swedish bands and they said that they were helped growing up.
Hard to belive that our goverment funds musicians.
And for the "burn down churches" part, Norway is the country, blackmetal homeland. ;)
I read an interview with johan hegg in the latest issue of the german magazine rock hard, in which he says something about the government spending a lot of money on youth centres with musical equipment that you can rent cheaply, as a way of encouraging young bands. i geuss this is the kind of funding your friend is talkin bout
that exist though. misunderstood Johnny T. :)
if im not misstaking, they get help to record a demo and that kind of stuff also, not from the goverment though, but from the youth centre.

Nån svensk som kan rätta mig om jag har fel? :)
Actually i'm a finn but i know they do, goverment gives money to things such as youth centres and record companys so there would be more swedish stars like abba that brings sweden to the map. Same thing in many other small rich countries, they try to "make" world-famous people from their country. I think Sweden supports it alot becouse they have some roots being the land of famous musicians.
how great is that... a country that spends money on making things better for the country instead of trying to make it a world power... but then on the other hand all the fighting makes population control.... so.... =\
DemonsAndLies666 said:
how great is that... a country that spends money on making things better for the country instead of trying to make it a world power... but then on the other hand all the fighting makes population control.... so.... =\
they should try inbreeding, like in Florida. It's the best population control, keeps the people stupid and easy to manipulate.
Art Grants. I am sure you could find a way to get the government to give you money (in the states)

trying to make it a world power
who's trying?

they should try inbreeding, like in Florida. It's the best population control, keeps the people stupid and easy to manipulate.
Agree, Florida is where all the tards congregate to be retarded together. ESPECIALLY in the pan handle. I see more shirtless shoeless rednecks there than in Tennessee.
The US is trying... or have you not noticed the country sticking its nose in everyones buisness? its like a dog sticking its head out a hole in the fence and barking at everyone who walks by.
Johnny T. said:
Hey, I've got a quick question. I can't seem to find any answers myself, so I figured there would be a few people from Sweden here that may know.

Is it true that the Swedish government funds musicians and bands?

My friend has been telling people this, and I find it a bit hard to believe.

If it is in fact true, please give me details on how one would get this funding and any standards you would have to meet.

Also, he said metal bands are not allowed to get this funding because they burn down churches... ... ... Yeah...
This is how it works:
There are something called the ABF in Sweden, which is a educational program provided and funded by the main Union, but also by taxmoney. They run youthcenters, but you can also be a member if you are an adult. Some youthcenters have rehearsalplaces you can rent for a low cost per month, but you don't necesarily have to rent a rehearsal place from them to get funding. If your a member of a youthcenter and you're just starting a band you can borrow equipment, and they also organize classes in how to play the instruments. Some even have recording studios, that you can use - in some cases for free, and in some cases for a low cost - to record demos and stuff.
When you join the ABF with your band, you form a so called "Study circle", and by filling out forms each month declaring the "Study circles" progress you will get funding from the ABF. You can still form such a "Study Cricle", even if your not actually going to the study center. All you have to do is fill out the progress forms. In order to get this funding you of course have to be a resident of Sweden (not citizen), and you have to be a member of the ABF.

There are also cities in Sweden that provide this kind of service without involving the ABF, but I'm not exactly sure how that works.

The ABF, however, do a lot of funding for other cultural activities as well, not only for starting bands. That's just a part of their work.

This is in short terms how it works, but there are of course much more to it than this.

Awesome. Thanks for such a great reply.

So it's not like they just hand anyone calling themselves a band money.

And as for the comment about the burning churces... That was kind of an innocent jab at my friend. Not to be taken litterally (although if you were to tell my friend differently, he wouldn't believe you).

Thanks for all your replies guys.

I'm also from Florida. As much as I hate the people here... Hmmm, I dunno. The people here suck. Thats about all that needs to be said.
Johnny T. said:
And as for the comment about the burning churces... That was kind of an innocent jab at my friend. Not to be taken litterally (although if you were to tell my friend differently, he wouldn't believe you).

Thanks for all your replies guys.


Well, if you burn a church you will be sent to prison/juvinile, but you still can form a "Study circle". It's all part of the "rehab-program".

No problems.
Johnny T. said:

Awesome. Thanks for such a great reply.

So it's not like they just hand anyone calling themselves a band money.

And as for the comment about the burning churces... That was kind of an innocent jab at my friend. Not to be taken litterally (although if you were to tell my friend differently, he wouldn't believe you).

Thanks for all your replies guys.

I'm also from Florida. As much as I hate the people here... Hmmm, I dunno. The people here suck. Thats about all that needs to be said.

Btw, all you Florida residents, how did you survive the last hurricane?