a question for the fans!


fan's incarnation
May 7, 2002
sardinia, Italy
Guys, please be sincere now...wouldn't u out there like to c TESTAMENT on tour with SADUS????? Think about it please and let the world know....



c ya!!!!!:D
I think Sadus should re-release their CD
"Swallowed in Black" from way back in the day.

It was a killer shredding album. Saw them open
for Obituary and Sepultura at the Omni.

:eek: u lucky guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I was tooo young back in 90 to travel by myself...I was 9 years old....!!!!!

I think SADUS has to rerelease their first three albums, incredible stuff, but unavailable everywhere and everywhen....

Ehy please answer my question: would u like to c TESTAMENT on tour with SADUS???????

I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
It would be fun. Maybe it should be a showcase.

Suicide Shift

Something like that.
HA HA! I was thinkin' that myself. I'm sure for a show
like that there'd be plenty of beers and ice for sore fingers.
Massive shredding and all.

And if only that would happen, well...I guess I'll go crazy!

anyway....maybe we can ask TESTAMENT or SADUS if they can handle such a thing, that would be fucking great....

TL WEBmaster, u can!!!!! Maybe ask 'em during a reharsal...!!!



Ya never know, it couls happen, some day...................................
Re: Officer Nice.......I was at that show at the Omni, SADUS was supporting their Swallowed In Black, album. Obituary had James Murphy in the band that tour, & the pit for SEPULTURA was huge....Beneath The Remains Tour.........& my favorite album from those guys...........That's a show that legends are made of...........
The Omni was the best Club Venue in the Bay Area..........those were the days.............
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
Ya never know, it couls happen, some day...................................
Re: Officer Nice.......I was at that show at the Omni, SADUS was supporting their Swallowed In Black, album.

YEAH! And they had the album cover as their backdrop.
It was fucking killer!

Obituary had James Murphy in the band that tour, & the pit for SEPULTURA was huge....Beneath The Remains Tour.........&

YEAH! And Max was drunk off his ass!

my favorite album from those guys...........That's a show that legends are made of...........
The Omni was the best Club Venue in the Bay Area..........those were the days.............

That was an awesome disc. You get total old school Props
Deadly Embrace! RESPECT!

Originally posted by HUNGER OF THE UNDEAD
SADUS rules, that would be so killer! Any old school band touring with Testament will be awesome.

Officer Nice is listening to TERRIBLE CERTAINTY!
That album RULES!

Right On Dude. I love old Kreator. Nothing like
those albums. Oh no, I said albums. Yikes.
Wrong Millenium!
