Is Mr. P. Bostaph going to stay?????


fan's incarnation
May 7, 2002
sardinia, Italy
I really hope that TESTAMENT are up for some fix!!!! Because, I would have loved to hear Jon on the new album (man...longly awaited, isn't it?????), altough I'm happy he's back on the SADUS focus...(which means another looongly awaited album)...but well I really hope this TESTAMENT line up is going to be long-lasting. It's cool to notice that Mr. Smyth is still there!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love the thing...great person. So I hope they're ok now! I hope P. Bostaph won't leave after the tour...really......

It's great when you got your fave bands up on work!!!! I love this period!!!!
TESTAMENT, SADUS, MEGADETH, SONIC YOUTH...all working hard on new stuff..this is cool...2004 is going to rule...

I just need a CORONER reunion now....and maybe SILENT HILL 4. :grin:

c ya!
ciao bello (how the Italian bass player in my band is always saying :grin:),

this is something I would appreciate too.
It´s cool Steve Smyth is still around, this guy rocks and is indeed a very kind man :rock:

Would be good to see Paul staying with Testament, this post made me think about the last Testament gigs I was attending and who played drums ..... just some of them: Jon Dette, Steve Jacobs, Asgeir and so on ...
herr crusher, hello! (guagliò ehehehe you rule :) )
Yeah, I agree w/ you...let's hope for the best! :grin: the band deserves somebody IN IT for real...and for it. Hey, but how many times the band sez' they were done w/ the songwriting process??? I guess they should have changed style in it several times...let's see what it'll sound like...:) I'd love to hear a mix between the sharp stuff from LOW & the groove from THE GATHERING.
a si birì goppai!!!!!!!!!! eheheheeh (sardinian talks, don't worry!)

chainsawmax said:
herr crusher, hello! (guagliò ehehehe you rule :) )
Yeah, I agree w/ you...let's hope for the best! :grin: the band deserves somebody IN IT for real...and for it. Hey, but how many times the band sez' they were done w/ the songwriting process??? I guess they should have changed style in it several times...let's see what it'll sound like...:) I'd love to hear a mix between the sharp stuff from LOW & the groove from THE GATHERING.
a si birì goppai!!!!!!!!!! eheheheeh (sardinian talks, don't worry!)


HELL FUKING YES amix of loq and the gahtering
would turn out for a sweeeet ass album. and also i really hope that
this lineup would stay for a while im happy 2 still c peterson in
and super pumped 4 having P. Bostaph TESTAMENT IS IMMORTAL
hey there people!
sorry for the delay...
basically this is going to be the straightest "riff-to-riff" ritmic album I'm waiting for. A double bass-drum inferno pumped up by Eric's destructive riffage and Paul's incredible pressure. I hope it will burst...!!!
eheheheh maybe your friend won't ever know it!!!! It's sardinian language! it means:" see you soon man!"

enjoy life!!!

ah ok, I´ll ask him (he´s from Lecce) ......

yeah, you´re right I´m looking forward to an awesome new Testa album with the attributes you´ve already discribed ..... fuck, I can´t wait anymore, I want some new stuff that will rip our heads off :grin: :rock: