A question for the very best double bass players....


New Metal Member
Jul 2, 2003
Alright i have a question for anyone who can help me out on a double bass problem..

well u see, i started practicing double bass with using my left foot to kick first, and by practicing that way ive progressed to be able to do alot of double bass beats, but ive seen on videos and have heard that u should kick first with the right, i found this out after really gettin used to the double bass using my left foot first, now the question is, i dont know weather to kick with my left foot first and keep practice with that since im already used to it, or should i just start using the right to kick first, and try to forget everything i learned using my left first becuase i know this will help me be able to do crazy double bass beats easier, but im also afriad that if i start to switch over to use my right kick first that i might mess everything up and get all confused about how to do double bass beats becuase im so used to kicking with the left first. if anyone could help me out who would know what to do, it would help very very much, thanks
Well, Im not a drummer, but I know Vinnie Paul (Pantera) starts double bass patterns with his left foot too. I think he said that he started doing it that way cause when he was in marching band in high school you always step with your left foot first. And hes a PHENOMINAL double bass player. So I'd think if it ain't broke dont fix it ;)

BTW, it might be good to learn how to do it starting with your right foot first too. I know Scott Travis (Racer X, Judas Priest) has said that he practices patterns starting with both hands/feet a lot just so he can start any pattern at any time, regardless of what hand/foot leads.
well that makes me feel alot better hearing about vinnie paul, i guess ill just focus on the left and work on the right everyonce in a while to build it up, but thanks for the help
Here's a reply from my son, Brendan. He is a prog metal drummer. Hope his advice helps. (His double bass technique is awesome)

>> Because of the placement not using double bass, it seems more natural to start off with the right foot. This is normally how Bren does it. He really has to concentrate to start off with the left foot if he's maintaining a constant speed for quite awhile, although he uses this technique sometimes when the double bass is not constant in certain songs. Then it gives a different feel. So, he recommends using the right foot as your constant. But experiment and develop the left foot technique on songs that don't require a lot of constant db. The most important thing is to find what is comfortable for YOU, and work with it to develop your OWN unique style.
yea that makes alot of sense, i think im just going to stick with using my left first, cus im already so used to it, n i have to really concentrate to use my right which is the opposite of what bren does, so i think this is just how i learned and how ill stick with it or sumtin, if anyone thinks anything, ur opionion could help out alot thanks everyone
I would work on both. I always had a hard time starting anything with the left foot or left hand. I would recommended practicing starting with the right foot, but keep doing what you normally do so you don't forget that too. It's kind of like guitar with alternate and economy picking. Learn both of them and then use whatever is best for each situation.
I tried it, it wasn't that good at rock drums, but my version was castrated, anyway.
I tried Guitar Tracks but I have Win2000 (you download 15 MB file with a dial-up connection and !!!surprise!!! it says it won't run with your OS. Neat!).

Something else, please!

You know what, i had your problem before. Y'see, I am really left-handed, but I learned drumming the right-handed way. I had a lot of issues with what foot to use most of the time because it fouls up my overall coordination. How did I address this problem? I gradually picked up on my right foot by concentrating on it more than usual.

Devoting a little more time on your right foot doesn't sound so bad..to me at least. :D
the_satanic_rabbit:its not like alt or economy, its like beginning with either an upstore or a downstroke. frankly im not a drummer but im 100% sure that it doesnt matter which foot u start with