a question only nick goatschool can (probably) answer


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
how do you pronounce "penanggalan"?

I've always pronounced it "peh NAHN gah len" (or peh NAHN gah lan, same difference), but I'm wondering if that's accurate. is the accent placed properely, etc? do you have any idea?
i was actually gonna post "i'm NOT exciar"

i don't know, alex. i didn't even know what the word meant until i looked it up.

i would venture a guess and say it "peh-naahhn-gehlahn?

i do no the 'naga' is prevalent in that area, but then again, i pronounce that in a western way, too.
i'm not sure, but wtf, penanggalan is totally cramping the style of the japanese nukekubi and can go fuck itself. :(

(it's probably pretty easy to have it fuck itself, actually since it's in two pieces... right?) anyway, anti-chair might know how to pronounce it since he's the one who told me about these unoriginal creatures first! i would say "peen - ang - lan" but that's only because i'm a perv. :(
xfer said:
well it's not like Mia has a Sidekick or anything.

the sidekick didn't work in europe for me. i'm on a pre-paid plan that doesn't include international service. the only good the sidekick did for me in europe was to function as an alarm clock. bleh! :(
WW said:
anti-chair can't pronounce anything because he signed out and never could remember his password again. But.. penanggalan is pronounced exactly the same way Roger Miller says "England" in the song England Swings Like a Pendulum do...but with a P at the front..and no D at the end.
As to the Nukekubi, Japs are always copying and then claiming everything...Chinese alphabet, flying vampire heads, transistor radios..next thing they'll be claiming they invented fish just because they make sushi.

see, normally i would agree with you, BUT! i think it's more japstyle to copy something (note: usually something useless anyway) and then modify it so it's better/more out there. (toilet seat = remote control fancy toilet seat, etc.) taking a superfancy flying vampire head with dripping intestines dangling below it, howling mysteriously impossible noises, sucking out unborn fetuses from their mothers, etc. and then transforming that into just a plain dinky flying vampire head? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. suspicious!!
well thanks! (and penanggalan are much cooler than nukekubi. as you said, guts > no guts! soaking in vats of pickle brine in order to squeeze back into the body > just reattaching!)