A question to Johan Söderberg


Sep 28, 2008
Montreal - Canada
I hope you -Johan Söderberg- are reading this and that u will responde, if not if any Amon Amarth member is reading, pllzzzzzzzz tell him about this ;)
First off all man, i just listened to War of the Gods solo and I'm 100% sure that it's u who wrote it, it's the best metal solo i've ever heard in my life, i am a real fan of u man (of olavi too), but i read somewhere that u started playing guitar at the age of 19, just like me, so everytime i wanna quite play cuz i may suck sometimes and say to myself it's too late to learn at 19, i say to myself Johan started at 19 too, so it gives me some kind of inspiration

My question is : how did u become such an incredible guitar player, do u have a personal teacher or special lessons or what? what should i do to become a good guitar player or, why not, as perfect as u are.


PS : I will see u in Munich May 24th and in Metalfest Germany, i hope i will hang up with u for a while
He was on the 70k cruise and the internet connection was HORRIBLY expensive on those, so he proably has not been able to check this yet.

Also I know some other ppl like me spent a few extra days in Florida/US after the cruise, so he might not be back yet.

Give it sometime, and don't expect him/them to check the forum every day or even every week.
I haven't been often enough to comment on what the time frame would be for an expected reply but I would say that I think what really makes Johan a good guitarist is not his technical skill but his creativity. Of course we haven't been shown exactly what Johan is capable of doing but as a band I would imagine they are more concentrated on writing songs and performing together. I take this hint because we have never really seen then dueling solos on album or live.

Naturally he could be hiding his real abilities. We won't know unless he shows us. And second this brings up the question... which is more important? Technical ability or creativity? Being able to play those ripping solos, adapt to any style and being able to play anything at ease? Or the ability to create memorable riffs simply by listening to a song and having something click in your mind and the next time you pick up your guitar you have a memorable but unique riff?

Am I blowing smoke out my ass?
Hmm...I'd say the creativity is way more important. AA's music is not outstanding on the technical side but there are so many beautiful memorable riffs in it. That's the way it is and that's why I love their music so much :headbang:

Technical Death Metal doesn't give me much...I need memorable parts in the music I like that just stick in my brain ^^

On the solo dueling: Nope they don't really do that but there's one or another solo which they "share". For example in Releasing Surtur's Fire Johan plays the fast part of the Solo (2:40-3:02) and Olli the slower part till 3:26.
Cool that you like the new song and the solo! That solo is actually a split solo where Olavi plays the first half and I play the second half.
Now about your question, I dont see myself as an incredible guitarplayer since the only thing Im good at playing is our own songs.
It usually takes me several days to write a solo or a riff and then I play it the same way every show.
I did take some lessons when I first started to play just to learn the basics.
But I dont have any teacher or lessons now because my goal is not to be super talented at playing my instrument.
My interest is more to create music and write good songs,and to play those songs live to see the response from the audience.
I think if you want to become a good guitarplayer you should definitly take some lessons and thats probably not a bad idea if you want to start
making your own songs either. Just try to find your own style and keep on playing what you like then you will eventually be good at it.
See you all on tour!
SOOOOOOOO MANNYYYY thanks for you Johan for responding my questions, ohhh i soo much waited for it
even if u don't see yourself as an incredible guitarplayer, you are one for me (and i'm sure it is the case for a lot of other people)
and glad to hear that Olavi is making some solos in this album too, because i and a lot of people think he didn't play any solo in TOTTG
I'm going to take some guitar lessons too because i wanna start writing my own music, i tried a little but i would give the result 4 out of 10 :p , i have some ideas of how i want my music to be but gotta work to be a fair result.

so once again, thank you a lot for ur time to responde my questions and for the beautiful music you make :)
See you on tour \,,/

PS : if u guys can play some stuffs from STTNW and abondened it would be PERFECT, i know a lot of people who request those songs ;)
On the solo dueling: Nope they don't really do that but there's one or another solo which they "share". For example in Releasing Surtur's Fire Johan plays the fast part of the Solo (2:40-3:02) and Olli the slower part till 3:26.

yeah they do, and according to Johan himself -yeah yeah he answered himself ;) - they share also the solo of war of the gods, and also the avenger and Arson, maybe for the next release they will do longer duel solos, o maybe even if Surtur Rising ;)
I'm going to take some guitar lessons too because i wanna start writing my own music, i tried a little but i would give the result 4 out of 10 :p , i have some ideas of how i want my music to be but gotta work to be a fair result.

Just keep going at it, it takes awhile to find a groove you like and settle in, and experiment from there...