A question to Sir. Aesgir the great...


New Metal Member
Dec 22, 2005
Chicago, Il
Knowing that you are one of the most reliable authorities in matter of drumming and most likely drum recording, for a school project I am rying to pull off the whole "multi instrumentalist" thing, only thing is I have only a vague idea on how to appropriately mic a drum set for a recording session...
knowing that I have to use a 6 piece with a total of 7 cymbals (the set available at my school plus a few added pieces), could you advise me on what the best disposition for 5 mics (all that I have available from my school) on this drum set...?
I sacrilegiously misspelled your name on my previous post, I was typing in a hurry and by doing so I screwed up positioning the E...... sorry about that man...