A Question to Steve From a Bass Newbie...


go shag ur camel
Feb 14, 2002
Branford, CT
Hey, I've been playing the 4-string for about a month and I'll be taking lessons in three or four months. In the time till then, I want to learn as much as possible to improve myself so the lessons go easier. I don't play any other instruments, and I'm very dedicated to improving myself. What shall I do?
Maiden and Metallica are good stuff to start off on. Keep it simple at first and don't try to do too much. Make sure you establish good technique, then work towards speed. There's no point in being the fastest or flashiest player if you can't play cleanly, so make sure your technique is good in terms of minimizing noise and allowing maximum comfort and endurance (these last two are very underrated). But yes, practice, practice, and practice, and you will become a good player in no time.

BTW: I'm not Steve, but I just thought I'd help you out. :)