A quick "fuck you" to a certain Swiss Referee

but they'll probably win the final.
Man is walking down the beach and comes across a woman by herself with no arms or legs. She tells him: "Sir? Can you help me?" "Sure," he says. "Well," she starts, "I have no arms or legs and I've never had a good, solid fuck in my life. Can you fuck me?" The man steps forward, picks her up... and tosses her into the ocean. "You're fucked now!" he says, and walks off.
Congrats to Greece. I missed the game - was it any good?
Their superstars were totally owned. Figo is probaby the "most easy to hate" person in the world. Him and Deco and Ronaldo dived so many times asking for fouls with the "look ref. i am FIGO i RULE and i lose the ball ONLY WITH A FOUL, and not by my mistake". They were pathetic and incapable of scoring. We were HIGHLY dangerous in a couple of times and we scored. Then they were just making "blind shots".
Nobody watches tennis? Go Fededrederersdder! and that Russian bird that beat the big gorilla lady!
I lost so much respect for Ronaldo in the way that he would dive each and everytime he was in the penalty box. They started carding players for that, I don't know why they stopped in this tournament.

Anyway, I think half of these referees are paid off in sports now (especially boxing). The referees for the games that England and Holland lost should be put under investigation by the SS.

That Russian 17 year old bird was fit! Slap a bit of make up on her, and Anna Kournikova has some competition on her hands.