a quick question


Jan 14, 2003
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Sorry if this is a dumb question but when they say Mikeal writes all the music, does this include bass and drums? or just the guitar parts? Thanks.
i know that he writes or co-wrote most of the drumming on deliverance...specifically which parts im not sure, except i know that he created the beats for the outro for Deliverance the song, on his drum machine.
i really don't know why the fuck on interviews opeth guys say "WE did like that in this album..." if Mikael writes everything...the other guys just play what he writes...at least it seems that the band works this way.
well the backdraw of that one-guy-concept is that all songs have the same feeling. radiohead, for instance, are like the firmest band ever (probably) and that's really audible in the diversity of their songs. mikael seems to use the same concept over and over again with the same dissonant chords and stuff. sounds cool nevertheless.