A reason for Garm to be at Prog-Power?

Aug 31, 2004

Master_Debater linked me to a new Garm (Ulver, ex-Arcturus, ex-Borknagar) sideproject, called 'Head Control System.' They're releasing an album in 2006. This is a collaboration between Daniel Cardoso and Kristoffer 'Garm' Rygg.

Head Control System said:
HEAD CONTROL SYSTEM officially spits heavy rock for girls, children, and serial killers in the face of whoever may be for or against our musical demeanor. The debut album, Killer View, is set to infiltrate every body early 2006.

Anyway, this is something actually heavy......if they were ever at Prog-Power it would probably be a situation like PC69, although they're heavier than that. Alternative Rock or something. But it's Garm. :p

They have four songs you can listen to:
