A request for all of you...


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Some of you will know that UM runs its own store


We run the store to try and raise a little more cash for the site, AND to help promote indie and underground releases - with the odd major label release here and there as well :)

Basically, sales are not what they could be. I'm interested in hearing what YOUR impressions of the store are (if you'd be so kind).

Not enough different stock? Confusing layout? What...?

Thanks for your help.

hmm.... maybe if you have a different level of membership for someone who buys from the store... "contributing member" or something...

Or special rep powers... :lol:

I'll see what I can order from there in the next day or two. ;)
you know dirt has more money than me. i very rarely take someone elses opinion on what music i will buy and i know Rodrigo well enough to know about the only groups we both like are armored and maiden-so the reviews dont do a hell of alot for me...

indie music the biggest issue is allways getting heard... not that clips well help somebody like me whose soundcard works one week then i spend 3 weeks getting it working again-but the best way to get people buying it is giveing them enough to hear that theyll want to hear more.

you want better sales quit being nice-good salesmen are assholes:loco: marketing placement is everything! on the IM forum you told about the slave to the power album-do that with the other stuff and put it on the forums where you think people might like that music. that way people that arent looking to buy anything are more likely to see it-somebody who doesnt plan on spending money here doesnt have alot of reason to look in the um store.

cheap fucks like me allways like hearing the word free. pull out some of them promos you dont listen to and say every order before october 1st gets a chance to win these cd's. 3cd's in a box in yer closet aint gonna mean alot to you, but some cheap ass that only spends 10 bucks but knows they got a good chance of winning might be more likely to spend that 10 bucks.
figure out how much it would cost to make it worth it to you and say that every order over whatever gets a free ultimatemetal tshirt-even if people would have to spend higher than hell, an freebie you cant afford still allways sounds better than nothing at all...