A Request from anyone who cares..

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Here's a new one with new settings..Guitars seems stayed a little behind this time, omg :D


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I always have the biggest respect for future engineers who are dedicated enough to buy all the waves plugins (which aren't cheap for sure) that early in their career.
so respect to you sir, a good set of plugins, money well spent!
Lasse, don't you also notice he's taken a huge leap and bought Nuendo as well? Guy is super dedicated!
That new mix is sounding MUCH better dude. Guitars really seem to sound better with a more conservative amount of eq, bass is now adding some beef. Could maybe do with a little more distortion on the bass to give it more grit and bring it down in level just a tiny bit.

I'd get working on the drums sounding good next. I've not used Superior Drummer so I'm afraid I'm not much help in that regard. Sounds like the spot mic's could do with some compression to give them a bit of attitude and maybe bring up the room mic's and compress them too.
That new mix is sounding MUCH better dude. Guitars really seem to sound better with a more conservative amount of eq, bass is now adding some beef. Could maybe do with a little more distortion on the bass to give it more grit and bring it down in level just a tiny bit.

I'd get working on the drums sounding good next. I've not used Superior Drummer so I'm afraid I'm not much help in that regard. Sounds like the spot mic's could do with some compression to give them a bit of attitude and maybe bring up the room mic's and compress them too.

You mean with "spot mic's" the individual mics like Snare, Kick, etc, or somethin else?

One thing to add..How can i "shape" this mix to sound more different than now? I.E, if i decrease the mid's of guitars of give it a narrow scoop, then it really goes out of control. When i do it from the main mix, same thing happens.."It should be scooped/tight but it must not sound lack of something", i guess this is my problem to solve :) In the name of finding/trying different things, i'm doin extreme cuts/boosts but it doesnt work :confused:
But honestly, I can't understand why you guys are still helping this guy....
he's clearly a thief.

if someone posted on this forum "I stole this car from that musician/producer the other day, but can't work out how to open the gas tank lid", would you give him advice?

It's OUR money he's stealing....and if someone is stealing from me I'm getting pissed off (please no pro/contra discussion again).

Slammer: if I do you wrong and you actually paid for all the plugs and software I'll apologise and open your thread again.
BTW, Lasse and 006, thank you for your comments as well. I'll take these into consideration, if i would be a professional musician/engineer in near future and start to work for some people..
BTW, Lasse and 006, thank you for your comments as well. I'll take these into consideration, if i would be a professional musician/engineer in near future and start to work for some people..

I take that as confirmation that you're indeed asking for advice for stuff you STOLE...
can't really avoid the ban now, board policy, sorry....not.

I'm aware that you're not the only one on this board using cracked/stolen stuff, and you're not being banned for using that (although you should), but for the absolute shameless temerity of asking advice on how to use the stuff that you don't even own.

you're 22years old, not some 16year old teen who's trying out audio engineering, you're old enough to think about your actions and take responibility for them.....btw, if the guys from waves find something like this you're in FAR more trouble than just a ban.
You're an adult person stealing....and in this case stealing from US, even if only indirectly, and then asking US for advice on how to use the stolen stuff....think about it

it's only a temp ban this time though.
creating a second account to avoid this will lead to perma ban
if i were you id just buy reaper and use the built in plugins. you literally have no need for anything else other than those and the free ampsims you currently use
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