A semi-serious thread about my life

lurch70 said:
I am just interested if you can elaborate on this ...

Sorry, can't give you much advice, as I never habitually did drugs ...

Well... don't really know how to explain it to someone who's never smoked... let's just say it makes things seem a little more "magical," where even a trip to the grocery store feels like a quest through the mystical kingdom of Brandenlock. That's the best I can do :/
Maybe try cutting back slowly first? Halve the amount of bowls you smoke in a day, something like that? -shrug- Personally, I had no trouble going from a quarter-ounce a week to nothing (apart from a week's worth of insomnia, which I have anyway), but then, I was playing World of Warcraft and probably would not have noticed myself going through heroin withdrawals. It affects different people differently, after all.

Good luck.
Dick Sirloin said:
Well... don't really know how to explain it to someone who's never smoked... let's just say it makes things seem a little more "magical," where even a trip to the grocery store feels like a quest through the mystical kingdom of Brandenlock. That's the best I can do :/

You should be smacked in the head for this comment.

Fucking kids, I tell ya.
oh, I smoked ... just not habitually ... lets put it this way, never bought my own weed ... but have smoked with others.

just curious of these "daily" effects ...
i dunno if it has "daily effects", as in it has an overall effect on your well-being...but it certainly helps me sleep, is good for relaxing/de-stressing, and yea it can turn a ho-hum day into an adventure :loco:
Buy some good weed and take two or three hits every night before sleep. This way you're not taking in a lot of smoke, and you're still getting to bed at a reasonable hour. That's what I do when I want to cut back. Otherwise just keep it to the weekends and you'll be at a decent level.
I smoked like 5 times in my life and never smoked again, I thought it sucked. Not a feeling that was that enjoyable. Being drunk is better IMO and I hate any forms of smoking anyway.
I used to smoke so fucking much up untill last year. I had like a routine where I would smoke in the morning before work, on my lunch break, after work was over, and so on in the evening whenever. Now I only smoke at night, after everything I planned on doing for the day is over. Like pyrus said, everyone is different in the way they adjust to changes with canabbis. I had no problem quitting for 2 1/2 weeks when I went to Ireland last year, but I know some people who will lose sleep, appetite, etc. when getting off a smoking routine. Also, as far as health issues go, I normally use a vaporizer for my daily marijuana consumption, so that pretty effectively negates adverse health effects.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Also, as far as health issues go, I normally use a vaporizer for my daily marijuana consumption, so that pretty effectively negates adverse health effects.

Yeahhh jesus christ I need money.
cthulufhtagn said:
....i think you could smoke during the week if you just smoke LESS, you seriously must be high all day every day :lol:

I think the restricting it to weekends is more for my girlfriend than me... she has quite a few psychological and social problems that she's dealing with right now and this shit probably doesn't help... using it as a coping mechanism and so forth, even unintentionally.
lurch70 said:
I am just interested if you can elaborate on [the positive aspects]


Here's a pretty interesting essay by Carl Sagan (famous astronomer, died in 1996) that I posted in another drug thread a while back. Granted, he seemed to react very strongly to pot and probably got a lot more value out of it than most smokers, but it's still a good read if you're interested in concrete positive aspects of marijuana use (and it also touches on some of the things you can do with more psychedelic drugs).
Yeah, i'll just let other people handle the positive aspects. To sum it up quickly though (personally speaking):

- makes me feel good (not that i don't otherwise)
- fun
- changes perception (see: fun)
- interesting feeling of intoxication, very different from being drunk
- allows me to focus on homework sometimes (at others the exact opposite)
- haha i hear it cures brain tumors by killing brain cells :loco:
I don't know why I feel like going on an anti-drug semi-rant, but here goes:

I don't know how people can stand being intoxicated on a constant basis. I've known potheads are ALWAYS high and while yes, you can function in life like this, why would you want to? To me it's like eating nothing but Snickers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Spoils the whole fun.