Someone help me -- SERIOUS THREAD

The concept of tattling on someone to their parents isn't even my range of thought, even if it were something serious. That's just way fucking weak to me.

Then again at 16 when my parents were bugging me "ohhh, you do drugs, blah blah devil music blah" I laid it on the line and told them all the crap I did. Amazing how those awkward teenage conflicts ended that very day. :Spin:
I don't see this as tattling. I see is as BWD saving his friends' fucking lives (if the habit is as bad as he says). This isn't tattling on a friend that stole some gum from the local Ghandi-Mart.

If he chose to do nothing, that is weak.
Sitting them down and talking to them most likely won't do shit, they might stop for abit and then start again, there is a slim chance it might work. I think you're friends already realize the concequences and stuff right? So what would sitting them down do? I would say just wait abit, the problem might escalate and solve itself, or if YOU truly want it done with, seek medical/professional help. Or you could just make fun of them until they stop :)
I say leave the light user alone and concentrate on the heavy user. What morals I have would make me loth to interfere directly if he doesn't want to listen to you. Personally I wouldn't involve either the authorities or his parents. I think they'd have a right to be pissed off if you interfered in their life choices. But, none of my friends have ever used (admitted to using) anything more hardcore than weed and ecstasy, so feel free to take my words with a pinch of salt.
Dude, I have had my share of substance problems which have accompanied my mental states at the time. Been there, done that. Speaking from experience, the ONLY thing that you can do is let them take the consequences that come along with the problem and hopefully learn from it. They will not listen to you when you talk to them about their problem and just shrug you off. Addicts are in total denial and don't see themselves from the outside in, until they finally hit rock-fucking-bottom. That is how 95% of the cases have to turn out, sadly. The ego is a very strong, blinding, yet fragile entity.
Thanks, BSW. Thanks everyone. You don't know how much this means.

As for this situation... I plan on giving it a week or two. See if things change for the better or worse. If I sense no change, I'm going to approach them about it. Since the denial thing will undoubtedly be a factor, I plan on making some key points. 1) Money (working your ass off at Best Buy just for drugs?), something they will pay attention to (even though I'm sure they've thought about it... but maybe an outside view will solidify a few things) and 2) possible punishment, especially for the guy who is thinking about dealing. I'm going to find out the facts, sentences, prison time, etc. If they don't respond to the money issue or the punishment facts, I'm going to have to tell them that I'm not going to hang around with them any more. I'm serious about that, and maybe by doing so they will know that I am serious. First and foremost, I don't want to be around the shit, nor its users. If the problem persists in my absence (which it probably will)... I don't know what I'm going to do.
If they are that deep into it, they will more than likely continue it with or without you. I know it sounds assinine, but it is the sad truth. It is a serious problem that doesn't get solved until an eye-opener is presented. i.e. overdose, homelessness, etc. Also, if they do decide to kick the habit, it won't be easy. The withdrawal is nasty and can cause temporary psychosis and delusions.

While in college, in my juinior year, I did deal it. I did make a shitload of money but would NEVER do it again. Absolutely nothing is worth my freedom. I was really stupid back then.
Tankard is the drunken German thrash band right? I need to hear them shits.

I AM being serious, I want to hear them. :tickled:
NAD said:
Then again at 16 when my parents were bugging me "ohhh, you do drugs, blah blah devil music blah" I laid it on the line and told them all the crap I did. Amazing how those awkward teenage conflicts ended that very day. :Spin:
It's amazing how much being honest can resolve. When I was 15 my parents did the whole 'I think we need to talk' and brought up everything... 'are you drinking/smoking/doing drugs?'. I laid it all out and since then they've been completely open minded with me, because they trust my judgement.
BloodStainedWalls said:
Dude, I have had my share of substance problems.
ditto. nobody could have talked me out of what I was into, no way, no how.

a friend of mine got busted in college for dealing and spent two years in a halfway house (only released for work purposes). he stayed clean for three years, we would drink nonalcoholic beer (even at Dead shows!), I was trying to support him by staying sober as well. one day a friend fired up a joint and this other guy started toking....the last I heard he was living in a VW van (not down by the river) in Colorado, with some chick and a dog.
How much weed do you have to smoke to start coughing up phlegm balls on a regularly basis? I have two co-workers, one with a coke nail, who choke on their spew incessantly for minutes on end until the regurgitated run-off slithers back in to their salivary glands to be hocked on a brighter day. The sound is akin to a cat expelling a hairball while being flung against a shower door. Mind you, I don't want them off the drugs, as their "high as a kite" dispositions provide a valuable source of entertainment throughout the wee hours of the night. I'm simply curious to know, what quantity one must puff the reef to sound like one's deep throating beef?

Also, what ever became of these two amigos?
The one in question eventually got into meth, but now I think he's okay. He's married. I don't talk to him much.

I've been smoking incessantly (weed and cigarettes) for seven years and I'm the non-coughingest mammajamma you ever seen.

And I'll occasionally do blow. It happens.
It's good that you didn't tell their parents. even if their folks forced them into rehab, it wouldn't have worked... it would be a disaster. that is the worst possible thing you can do to someone. rehabs and support groups of all types are only useful if the person truly and willingly wants to do it for nobody but themselves. rehab ain't no magic pill