eternal alchemist
New Metal Member
I don't self harm, there is no masochism involved in my 'faith'. I don't know what you believe in, but when somebody says 'The Devil' to me, I know they mean satan. But to me, Jehova has always been the devil, the prince of lies. I don't believe in what the devil (deception, greed, blind material greed) represents, I believe in what satan represents and has to offer.I'm sure you've declared yourself as a christian and it sounds like you have repressed memories of your pope sticking his pipe in your ass. I bet your getting hard from the thought of six guys fucking in a big long chain, fuckin' faggot.
I really don't care if people come to judge me, but I know to keep my mouth shut about my true beliefs, because if I make it clear in public I could be beaten up. You should realise that you're smart enough for free thought but be able to empathise with the more dependant people like christians who need a shoulder to cry on, and can't see past needing to be loved, i.e. Jesus loves you, when jesus is only trying to gain your trust to enslave you. If I tell people that I am a satanist, I will instantly be judged because people are already brainwashed to think that we are bad intentioned individuals, which isn't true but I learn to accept it.
I alone cannot act and convince a race of people that satan is the true leader, nor do I care what the masses believe in, as long as what I am doing is true and I feel a better person. I could never proove that this particular path is the best, but I know by my own experience that in the past 2 years when I took it on, my entire life has changed for the better, I have learned not to let petty people bother me, teachers have took me more seriously, I ditched all weak emotions (depression, sadness) I am a very good judge of character, I know myself much more.. etc. It is irrelevant to continue.
My point is, as long as you have proven to yourself that this is the right faith for you, if you've explored other religions or lifestyles/cultures, nobody should be there to judge. They purely have no right whatsoever to interfere with your personal needs when these events don't converse or display themselves in public, i.e. a ritual- when you only voice your opinion to say that you think satanism would make them a better person.