A sign

I'm sure you've declared yourself as a christian and it sounds like you have repressed memories of your pope sticking his pipe in your ass. I bet your getting hard from the thought of six guys fucking in a big long chain, fuckin' faggot.
I don't self harm, there is no masochism involved in my 'faith'. I don't know what you believe in, but when somebody says 'The Devil' to me, I know they mean satan. But to me, Jehova has always been the devil, the prince of lies. I don't believe in what the devil (deception, greed, blind material greed) represents, I believe in what satan represents and has to offer.
I really don't care if people come to judge me, but I know to keep my mouth shut about my true beliefs, because if I make it clear in public I could be beaten up. You should realise that you're smart enough for free thought but be able to empathise with the more dependant people like christians who need a shoulder to cry on, and can't see past needing to be loved, i.e. Jesus loves you, when jesus is only trying to gain your trust to enslave you. If I tell people that I am a satanist, I will instantly be judged because people are already brainwashed to think that we are bad intentioned individuals, which isn't true but I learn to accept it.
I alone cannot act and convince a race of people that satan is the true leader, nor do I care what the masses believe in, as long as what I am doing is true and I feel a better person. I could never proove that this particular path is the best, but I know by my own experience that in the past 2 years when I took it on, my entire life has changed for the better, I have learned not to let petty people bother me, teachers have took me more seriously, I ditched all weak emotions (depression, sadness) I am a very good judge of character, I know myself much more.. etc. It is irrelevant to continue.
My point is, as long as you have proven to yourself that this is the right faith for you, if you've explored other religions or lifestyles/cultures, nobody should be there to judge. They purely have no right whatsoever to interfere with your personal needs when these events don't converse or display themselves in public, i.e. a ritual- when you only voice your opinion to say that you think satanism would make them a better person.
At least I have an opinion and I'm not stubborn, I'm willing to listen to other peoples views, Swabs is from what I've gathered a very smart person, but he just seemingly accepts that there is no god, where in principal he has seen no evidence whatsoever, he just takes this as word based on what he's experienced in life, and what religions such as christianity has had to offer. Yes, religion is pathetic, but I really do think you should be more open minded, you're only 16
edit: It's also ideal to learn to empathise or see from somebody else's viewpoint, i.e. somebody who promotes christianity, as opposed to who condemns or rejects it. You could compare these opinions and look at the facts, is it possible, do modern scientific researches ultimately proove that there is no god? Is man intelligent enough as a race to rule out the existence of a superior being, when we were fooled by a stupid religion for 2000 years?
...I alone cannot act and convince a race of people that satan is the true leader...

that was plain bullshit to me, i dunno if you were joking or not

the point of religion its to find something that suit you, ONLY YOU, and not convince other people to join it, if you look at Hindu people, there are happy people that live in peace with themselfs too... maybe the same way you do, they don't have people telling them what to do, what not to do.

religion itself is not pathetic, try to push and brainwash people is pathetic
The very lack of evidence for the existence of a god is proof enough for me. The Big Bang theory has evidence for it (the redshift laws). The evolutionism theory has evidence for it.

In my opinion religions of all kind have no point, no benefit. Religion is the crutch for the weak minded, the existence of afterlife has no point, you only live once.

God was used to explain things back when nobody knew how else too "God is angry, he sends drought" "God is happy he rains on our crops".

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
@Vikk:That's my point exactly, look; somebody is actually taking time to realise I have an opinion that's worth looking at. I'm not some regular moron who has no mind. I've put thought into this.

@Swabs:Have they actually seen a God or not? Nobody has physically seen a God, maybe when they died- but who can proove that they can make spiritual connections with the physical world? There is evidence on both sides of course, yet they're only theories. Time did not simply begin, something has to come from another thing, birth. This prooves that either time was never there, which means we don't exist and the laws of physics simply contradict one another, or time is eternal, it is self existant and has always been there.
The very lack of evidence for the existence of a god is proof enough for me. The Big Bang theory has evidence for it (the redshift laws). The evolutionism theory has evidence for it.

In my opinion religions of all kind have no point, no benefit. Religion is the crutch for the weak minded, the existence of afterlife has no point, you only live once.

God was used to explain things back when nobody knew how else too "God is angry, he sends drought" "God is happy he rains on our crops".

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

:notworthy :notworthy I agree with this 110%
There is more than enough evidence and proof that is in opposition to Christianity, for instance: Dinosaurs! Also if the bible is correct then the earth and universe is only around 2000 year old.....then how come carbon dating has proved the existence of fossils that are millions of years old and gas analysation from deep inside the glaciers of the arctic has found gas particles and chemical that stretch as far back as hundereds of millions of years old.
Find me the smallest fucking bit of evidence of the existence of a god or "satan"

this is probly the most retarded fucking statement ever. All evidence that has been in favor of the existence of a god has to rely on "faith" as a key factor.
Making the evidence implausible and thus discarded.
This is true. But until you see physical proof of the actual entity, you cannot ultimately proove it. There is always something arguing against it. Think outside of the box, you're expected to as there is no logic to how the universe was created, thus there is no logic whatsoever involving the existence of a supernatural force. I respect your opinion entirely yes, though I have seen evidence for and against that there is spiritual conflict somewhere in life, and whether or not it may contradict itself, what doesn't contradict itself?

There is more than enough evidence and proof that is in opposition to Christianity, for instance: Dinosaurs! Also if the bible is correct then the earth and universe is only around 2000 year old.....then how come carbon dating has proved the existence of fossils that are millions of years old and gas analysation from deep inside the glaciers of the arctic has found gas particles and chemical that stretch as far back as hundereds of millions of years old.
Swabs is true.
Also on the impossible task of proving how the universe began. Scientists have managed to prove that matter can literally appear from "nowhere". I cant explain the details, I just remember reading it on BBC.co.uk
This is true. But until you see physical proof of the actual entity, you cannot ultimately proove it. There is always something arguing against it. Think outside of the box, you're expected to as there is no logic to how the universe was created, thus there is no logic whatsoever involving the existence of a supernatural force. I respect your opinion entirely yes, though I have seen evidence for and against that there is spiritual conflict somewhere in life, and whether or not it may contradict itself, what doesn't contradict itself?

There has never been fucking physical proof of the actual entity.. there is NO proof of any entity such as god or satan.. NONE whatsoever. ever little speck of so called "evidence" was made by a religious person with "faith" and is completely 100% coincidental and disprovable. On the other hand.. There has been sentences and paragraphs and pages and books and fucking novels filled with evidence AGAINST religion (the existence of a higher power god,satan,etc).. Real phsyical scientifically proveable hard evidence.. Not some bullshit "I prayed for a new bicycle and the next morning i got one!" or some bullshit "Timmy fell in the well and god gave him the strength to climb out even with his broken fucking leg" all that shit is fucking bullshit and you must realize there is no hard fucking evidence.. scientifically plausable, reasonable evidence in support to the existence of a higher being such as "god" or "satan".
There has never been fucking physical proof of the actual entity.. there is NO proof of any entity such as god or satan.. NONE whatsoever. ever little speck of so called "evidence" was made by a religious person with "faith" and is completely 100% coincidental and disprovable. On the other hand.. There has been sentences and paragraphs and pages and books and fucking novels filled with evidence AGAINST religion.. Real phsyical scientifically proveable hard evidence.. Not some bullshit "I prayed for a new bicycle and the next morning i got one!" or some bullshit "Timmy fell in the well and god gave him the strength to climb out cause he broke his fucking leg" all that shit is fucking bullshit and you must realize there is no hard fucking evidence.. scientifically plausable, reasonable evidence in support to the existence of a higher being such as "god" or "satan".
I just said it works both ways! And I accept there is no proof of a God, but I have damn sure prooven to myself that I like the way things are going here, whether it be coincidental or not. I think agnosticism is truely the best way of putting things. If you accept something, which is 'logically prooven' by science, it could well be true, there COULD be a god, but there is no evidence whatsoever that it participated in saving people from wells, but this controversial god we speak of is actually the overpowering willpower that makes people believe that somebody wants to help them, a split personality if you will. Just because this god hasn't acted in this situation still does not state it is absolutely 100% impossible that the god may be somewhere else in a different galaxy. Science hasn't explored everything..