A site FULL of liberals, commies and atheists


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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I implore you all to register at this site and give these folks a taste of your opinions. There's plenty of good liberal/conservative debate at this site.
It's called "Internet Infidels".

Here's a small sample:
" Armchair warmongers: America's not-so-finest
With both the Army National Guard and the Marines beginning to fall short of their recruiting goals, the question arises: why are so many armchair warmongers (otherwise known as chickenhawks) refusing to put their bodies where their mouths are? Why, in other words, are they refusing the join the military? I realize many are too old to join, but what about the countless Bush-worshippers who aren't too old? What's their excuse?

Could it be they have no excuse, and are simply spineless hypocrites? You decide.

Or this one:
Can the attacks of sept 11, 2001 be considered terrorism?
I don't think it is at all. The people struck back against a country that has been attacking their countrymen and using the resources of their country to get rich.

The chose the two symbols of this oppression, world trade center, and the pentagon. If they were just out to kill civillians they would have chose a sports stadium or something like that.

Raise snakes, and you will get bit.