Well, when US gets out of European politics, we'll stay out of US internal affairs.
Until then...
The first time I saw this thread, I thought it was a joke! You don't have to believe in hell to have an idea of what's wrong and what's right (for you). Everybody has some kind of moral!
Ideology and moral are two different things though. The topic for this thread was Christian moral vs Atheistic moral (or lack of such), not Communism vs Capitalism. Honestly I don't think modern Christian moral really is very different from the Atheisitc.
For some of you this might be intresting:
Actually, Pope John Paul II denounced hell as a place, and said it was a state of being:
To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting Gods merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called hell
(third paragraph of Pope John Paul II s generall audience of Wednesday 28 July 1999, link
If he was right, then the fear of hell in itself, at least for catholics, isn't enoug to make their moral.
Interesting enough, Jesus as a person is perceived to be highly moral both after christian and atheist standards.
I can accept a statement that christians find it more natural to try to follow the example of Jesus when it comes to morality, him being after all the sentral piece of their religion.
But no goverment ever has followed that example, even when calling themselves christian (The Vaticane of the Renaissance period and the holy inquisition are good examples), so the argument that atheists are demoralising society and a christian goverment is the way to combat amorality is sertainly not valid.