A small EMG-81 / EMG-60 comparition


Apr 6, 2008
Since I was in the mood to fix my Ibanez today, along the way I ended up trying EMG-60 in the bridge position of my all-mahogany Epiphone Joe Perry LP which has so far been occupied by EMG-81.

Here are the clips:

EMG-81: http://www.box.net/shared/0cv77l5i0y
EMG-60: http://www.box.net/shared/leo7uruybn

I`m interested in hearing your opinions.
To me, it seams as if 60 has smoother top end, and overall I think I prefer it.
Clips were recorded with 8505 and Nebula, and preset was set for EMG-81 and not changed later.
I hear a big difference, I'm not an 81 fan at all but it sounds way cleaner than the 60, and has more balls. God I never thought I'd say that! I want to hear an 89 against an 81 and 85