A small haul, just to create discussion I guess


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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righto today, with no real money, I went out to Jb's and decided 2 weeks is a long time since I last bought any music so.....

Soulfly - Dark Ages, I have had this for a while from a mate even though it was only released this week, so have heard it plenty, but it is very good, I am noticing Max is getting more and more forward in combining his believes and his music, Good on him I say, alot of thrashier sorta gear on this, which is a good thing :headbang:

Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists, haven't listened to this yet, but I liked the last album and couldn't remember what the other album I was there to buy was....I remembered when I got home...it was God Forbid's new one, guess that'll be next week

Incubus - Alive at Red Rocks DVD, Good stuff if your into the band, there is a little too much from the last album on it, but hey that's the album they WERE touring, but all the good older stuff is there as well

RATM - Live at the Grand Olympic DVD, have wanted it for a while, waited till the price was right, today...it was :headbang:

The DVD's were only $14 each, that's why I tacked em on the end of my shopping list..hmmmm I am bored with this now, so fuck off, find something beter to do.

Or even better abuse me and tell me how my taste in music is generic and shit...go and get fucked :zombie: :loco:
It's good to have a haul!

I bought Arch Enemy's newie the other day. Sounds pretty rockin' so far.
It's quite a good album! Well, parts of it are. Half of it's good, the rest is boring.

Sorry I'm not metal enough for you, Gorey.
Good songs were:

What's Going On
That really heavy one that should have been released as a single.

Can't remember the others.
I'm not sure if I've heard Simple Plan or not. Why do Good Charlotte dress like gothy punks, yet play poppy crap?