A symphonic black metal band from China!!

Necroraven, Melechesh is a really awesome and original band.

Sdrawkcabgniklat, RavageTheKingdom's point was that European pagan traditions and ancestry are not something that can be shared by non-Europeans, which is a pretty hard to argue against. Your example of Melechesh also does not refute that in any way, because while it is technically black metal, their themes are from Mesopotamian mythology, not European. However, like I said, they are also awesome. Also, wth is up with your user name
Try reading my name from right to left. :heh:

I also completely understood his "point" but it's still silly. I don't care about the pagan themes or being "troo kvlt". From a stylistic point of view, Melechesh is black, despite their geographical location. Music a sonic animal anyway, regardless of any associated themes that may accompany it.