A taste of extreme divinity || New album

Damn you, i wanted that Kataklysm box. .

Got that box, plus album promo CD and huge prevail poster! All signed by all members when they played the summer slaughter tour. Maurizio & Jean-Francois were surprised when I showed them the box. Both said they've never seen the layout for it. Jean wanted to keep the necklace from me. Almost didn't get to see Max Duhamel until Jean ran backstage to get him. Cool times~!

Shipping cost on NB = INSANITY

Same as Amon Amarth shipping!
holyshit man, a whole new song on their myspace....


Shit, I thought you were saying that there's a new song on myspace now.

...Until I read the last part of your post. Damn you! :p
I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case. Peter did say that there would be a lot of mid-tempo songs on the album. It may be reminiscent of the S/T, which of course would be fucking awesome.
I wonder what kind of opener valley of the damned will be. I don´t think its gonna be a killer like warpath. I think it will be sloow like fractured millenium or something. :loco: