A taste of extreme divinity || New album

Theo - Any idea about Pain's next album ?
Peter Tägtgren: I can't think about pain's next album, else it would be "woohoo" (acting mad) But for Hypocrisy, wait till you have the new album, I can promise you it'll be a good album. It's brutal but it's so good. It's not as brutal as Virus, it's more of a mix of Virus with the old stuff. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, with the lot of mid tempo, there is also a seven minutes song on it.

an Interview we did at the Hellfest (france) ( http://www.bspix.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1069&Itemid=1622 )
"It's brutal but it's so good. It's not as brutal as Virus, it's more of a mix of Virus with the old stuff. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, with the lot of mid tempo, there is also a seven minutes song on it." OMFG! Thats like, just what I wanted! Lot of mid tempo, and also brutal. And a seven minutes song? Wow. :headbang:
I wonder what he means by ''old stuff''

it cannot mean Penetralia or Obsculum, since they are more brootal than virus, so he must mean between the 4 dimension and Self titled era, which is EPIC WIN


edit ; 13 songs written, a 7 minutes one. Dont know if all the songs will make it on the album but at least I think its going to be a long album!
well, the old stuff is more evil than virus, but virus has more power..what kind of brutality is ment?
It could be the brutality that comes with speed. Perhaps Peter meant that new album doesn't immediately attack you like Virus did but also creates more atmosphere by slowing down the tempo a bit. If Virus is like a machine gun that rips you into pieces then maybe the new album is more like a tank that is slower but eventually crushes you. And maybe ATOED is also a bit more melodic than Virus. Some of the best Hypocrisy songs aren't that fast and Virus kinda put that slower aspect of the band aside. New album seems to be putting it into a more audible position again.
with this post, I agree. :)

not only speed gives power, S-T is the best example you can get.

and also, a GREAT prod quality will give you a feeling of power.

oh God pls give the new Hypocrisy a prod as best as its possible
Ahhh.........the self titled album was a surprise for me! Probably cuz Peter used a 7 string guitar on that album. Was some brutal stuff to hear for the first time. I cannot even fathom how the new album will sound. Hopefully they'll play some new songs on this upcoming US tour~~

Tracklist revealed.

01. Valley Of The Damned
02. Hang Him High
03. Solar Empire
04. Weed Out The Weak
05. No Tomorrow
06. Global Domination
07. Taste The Extreme Divinity
08. Alive
09. The Quest
10. Tamed "Filled With Fear"
11. Sky Is Falling Down
How would using a 7 string guitar add to power when he was tuned in B anyways with his 6 stringer prior to that?

I'm not trying to scrutinize anything here! Like I said "the self titled album was a surprise for me!" And I read the booklet and it says he used a 7 string guitar. Simple as that! No hardcore in depth technical details. Just some thoughts~!
Tracklist revealed.

01. Valley Of The Damned
02. Hang Him High
03. Solar Empire
04. Weed Out The Week
05. No Tomorrow
06. Global Domination
07. Taste The Extreme Divinity
08. Alive
09. The Quest
10. Tamed "Filled With Fear"
11. Sky Is Falling Down

so 2 songs were left out...I was hoping for a 12 songs album but heh.