A Temporary Leave...

Dave - Power of Omens

some guitar player
Aug 13, 2002
Dallas, TX USA
I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on a temporary leave of absence from this forum as well as the net in general. I'm going through a very difficult time in my life right now, and am having to deal with a very extreme personal loss. :( If you need to get in touch with me, please e-mail me,
dave@powerofomens.com ...as I will still be checking my e-mail on a daily basis. Although, there are not many posts on here anymore, I hope that my absence does not deter anyone else from posting and keeping this place somewhat alive... even if they are off topic posts.
I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy New Year... please take care, and I'll see you all in 2004.

All the Best
lizard said:
Jax you getting the kids this holiday??
Nope, they were with me last year at this time..maybe next year. Had a good holiday with my youngest anyway, tho..he turned 12 on Christmas. :)
Dave - Power of Omens said:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on a temporary leave of absence from this forum as well as the net in general. I'm going through a very difficult time in my life right now, and am having to deal with a very extreme personal loss. :( If you need to get in touch with me, please e-mail me,
dave@powerofomens.com ...as I will still be checking my e-mail on a daily basis. Although, there are not many posts on here anymore, I hope that my absence does not deter anyone else from posting and keeping this place somewhat alive... even if they are off topic posts.
I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy New Year... please take care, and I'll see you all in 2004.

All the Best
I'm so sorry to hear that Dave! :( I hope the new year brings you happiness--you deserve it. You'll be in my thoughts.
I want to thank everyone who's been so supportive, and for all of your well wishes. Unfortunately the last couple of months have been pure hell on me, and it all came to a somewhat violent end a week before my b-day when I was involved in an accident. Fortunately I wasn't seriously injured, but just shaken up and left extremely sore... and mostly saddened by everything that led to the event. After a few weeks of getting myself back together and doing a whole lot of soul searching, I feel that I'm back and ready to take on every bit of the challenge that lies ahead for Power of Omens. I want to apologize to all for being so distant and not being around like I used to be. Hopefully as each day passes, I'll continue to regain my strength and desire to push ahead, and leave the dark sad memory of what I lost behind me.
My solo flamenco CD, which is about 95% complete (just need a few more bass tracks to be recorded) will be a dedication to that part of my life, and the closing to another chapter... and will hopefully be the opening to a whole new 'brighter' road ahead for me. It seems that all I have left in my life now (aside from my wonderful family & friends) is music... and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let anyone take that away from me. ;)
Here's to better times and awesome music in 2004!!!!

Thank you all again for all your support!!!!
Hi Dave I´m a Swedish Power Of Omens fan ! :worship: And I just want to thank you and the lads, for all the QUALITY music you have created so far.In this world of Rap and other crap ( Same thing really ) your music is a breath of fresh air. Thanks and keep up the good work ! :Spin:
Velvetclown said:
Hi Dave I´m a Swedish Power Of Omens fan ! :worship: And I just want to thank you and the lads, for all the QUALITY music you have created so far.In this world of Rap and other crap ( Same thing really ) your music is a breath of fresh air. Thanks and keep up the good work ! :Spin:
Thanks for the very cool compliments, it’s really good to have you onboard!!! :rock:

Feel free to post as much as you’d like.

All the Best,

Man, I had no idea what had happened to you. I am glad you are here, and it is good to see Chris back in the band. I hope you guys do some Houston shows soon. You know I will be there! :)

Welcome back and good luck to P of O!!