A Terrible Trial -or- How a Youth Wastes Time

I do not really like my job. My boss is a moron who believes that being an asshole and a strict taskmaster will make him appear to be a contender for the soon-to-be vacant Director position.

My lesbian cubemate is cool but she’s out today with a kidney stone. I have heard that is the only pain comparable to childbirth. The plus side to her pain (for me) is that I am not being forced to listen to Melissa Etheridge and the Indigo Girls.

By typing at this in word before pasting it into a board post, I appear to be diligently working with intense focus, while in actuality I am engaging only in freefall stream-of-consciousness.

I like dogs (as long as I don’t have to take care of them), even though one attacked my wife a few years ago. On the plus side, we got $12,000 in our lawsuit.

It’s going to be 76 degrees today.

If it wasn’t for my XM radio I would not be able to listen to the Phil Hendrie show.

I feel strangely disassociated with reality today. This is only aided by listening to “How to Measure a Planet?”, thanks to whoever recommended that to me (Avi?). It’s interesting hearing the original recorded versions of songs like “Travel”, as opposed to the newer recording on “Sleepy Buildings: A Semi-Acoustic Evening.” Nonetheless a vocal tour-de-force by Anneke. I am beginning to think she is not of this earth. In fact I am feeling a strange desire to sink my teeth deeply into a wheel of edam or gouda. I visited Holland long ago and all I remember is tulips, cheese, touristy wooden shoes, and the falsely named “continental breakfast”.

I like this board. Nobody here recommends I read books by Michael Savage.
I have seen my father litterally roll on the floor in pain with kidney stones. It was not a pleasant sight to see your 55 year old father in agony and twitching on the floor.
the new live one, Sleepy Buildings, is not life-changing but perfectly delightful, showing that Giersbergen can sound as good live as in the studio...and since it contains songs from throughout their career, is almost something of a "best of".

my lesbian cubemate just took out her Etheridge CD and is running out to her car to get...another Etheridge cd.

tomorrow I get to work overtime (and maybe sunday also) at 29.91 an hour. Not in canadian dollars, mindspell, in good old bland american dollars.:)

I have watched the grape stomping video about twenty times.