kayo tour


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
1. i am sure xfer will be posting soon with a full report from the audience of the first show on the tour.

2. i am so tired but yet i had to come in to work today to do a presentation. boo.

3. i am keeping a tour diary online at my Live Journal:


1 down, 6 to go. we destroyed portland, me and now its on to new paltz, ny.

but my question is:

will we be paid a visit by the goat?
i woke up at 2pm today after getting home at later than 4am from portland, so i do not envy Greg. :)

the show was really cool. "The Space" in Portland is a wonderful venue; it looks really cool and has art everywhere, and it's in a nice area (I walked out and had some Indian food before the bands started), and they serve not-expensive drinks! they even have a "green room" downstairs with bottled water and beer for the bands, which is beyond what a lot of small venues will do.

the crowd was also pretty sizable--i'm bad at counting large crowds, but there were over a hundred people for sure. Kayo Dot played three songs including a lite vocal-less version of Pitcher of Summer (greg did the vocal line on his guitar) which was short and pleasant and appreciated by the crowd.

i thought Cerberus Shoal was pretty AWESOME live, too; they played for two hours! (they won't be doing that the rest of the tour, though). they were pretty all over the place, with an accordian and upright bass and three various drummers and a trumpet and four different vocalists (right?) and they were very nice people as well. i'm definitely going to buy a CD in Boston.

the crowd was extremely appreciative and receptive, too--go Portland music fans! there was chatting during the quiet parts of both KD and CS, but i think that's just cause everyone was being friendly and having fun. during KD halfway through ummm marathon i think people started screaming THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME and WICKED COOL and stuff after a particularly intense segment. also, in between Marathon and The Antique (i think that's when it was), there was applause, which died down, but then slowly built up again and continued for several minutes while KD did their whole switch-instruments-tune-up stuff as people started cheering and getting more and more excited!

i don't have pics from my camera but there ARE pictures on Mia's that i took during the show.