Hair: A Getting to Know Greg Thread


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so i am a hairy male.

i used to be very ashamed of it but i am learning to not let it bother me much anymore.

thanks to some gene from i believe my mother's side, i have hair growing on pretty much every part of my body, except my palms and the bottom of my feet pretty much. oh and that area on my face under my eyes and my forehead.

i am really almost sasquatchian when you think about it but that is neither here nor there.

i do, however, know that while i am fond of hairy nature, some may find it disgusting, i.e. xfer. so i do practice the fine art of shame and keep myself clothed as much as possible. in the summer i never go to the beach or swimming topless unless i am somewhere private and as of right now the least amount of clothing i wear is a tank top.

why i am going into detail on this you ask?

i was noticing in the mirror today that my greyness gene has now spread to the rest of the hair on my body and now the hair on my shoulders/arms and chest is turning greyer by the day and honestly i am find this fascinating.
I am in the exact same situation on every points, the grayness too. Except that I have an acceptation of my hairy nature that goes beyond yours as I do not mind the topless thing.

The grays everywhere is kinda weird when you see it more and more frequently..
that's gross, dude. i don't need to go to the beach and see harry and the hendersons walking around. body waxes are not that expensive!!!

seriously, though, i might feel differently if genetics had endowed me with fur. it's really too bad you're not gay, greg, because you would be an extremely sought-after bear.
I'm about a week into growing a full beard and everyone keeps asking me what's wrong and if I'm sick.

Also my mustache is so awful, I might have to shave it and have that all beard, no mustache rapist look.
body hair happens. i mean, fuck it.
also: alex.... it's so gross when hairy guys have stubble growing back in on their arms or shoulders.