Long hair and getting jobs

Nice! You're a lucky bastard, Spawny. Where do you work? Come to think of it, I've worn my Slayer, Maiden and Cradle of Filth t-shirts to work before.

How does your hair grow, Wrathy? Is it curly, or do you get a big boof?
I work at Central Station on the first floor typing crap into computers for State Rail :)
Sounds like my hair phloggy.

Well speak of the devil. I just got a phone call about 15 mins ago for an interview tomorrow! And I still have my long hair. heh. I dont think I have enough time to get a hair cut. Oh well. Next job I guess..........
I used to have long hair - it wasn't good but I refused to get it cut for about ten years or so. Unfortunately, I have very curly hair so it was only two or three steps away from an afro.
Spiffy, I keep thinking you are a black kid whenever I read your posts :D (You can make a Watchoo talkin bout Spawny post now :) )

Another long-haired lout falls to the wayside. How long was it before you cut it?

Close to halfway down my back when it was wet. Dry it was puffyish so a little shorter.

It would have had to be done sooner or later anyhow :( Theres no way I would have got a job with long hair anyway. It will be back! Hair grows after all :)
I've never had any problems having long hair & getting a job.

Then again - most haven't been "professional" situations either.