Convince me to Keep or Cut my Hair

A good portion of women who are into long haired dudes are social misfits, overly possessive suicidal goth, super needy drama queens or just plain sociopaths. :D

That's the type of chicks I've been attracting the most.
I've had long hair for 15 I'm done with regrets so far.
If the length of hair was such a big part of the equation of "getting chicks", then every short haired guy would be covered with boobies all the time, and no long haired dude would ever be getting laid ;)

Haha! I actually know who the dude on that picture is! Some computer/gamer dude from my hometown here in sweden. Poor guy got that picture posted on a site called uglywomen like 15 years ago. :lol:
Short on the back and sides with length on the top for pomade/product. Females will notice and people take you seriously. I had Aaron Gillespie hair throughout highschool and went clean cut and don't regret it. A good friend of mine had metal witch-hair that went past his ass for forever that he was really attached to and recently got a cool soccer player mowhawk on a whim and his gf digs it and he wonders why he kept it long. It sucked vacuuming up his hair when we were roomies too hahaha. Try it when you're ready- you can always grow it back man. And if you grow a beard with a slick baber cut everyone will want to bone you.
I cut mine about 4 years ago during a hot summer after having long hair for about 20 years , I mean seriously long hair not just shaggy hair .
Instantly felt great ,looked great and made me feel young , clean comfortable etc , mainly at night when its time to catch zzz's .
I just couldnt stand it in my face any longer and pony tails look naff .
Long hair is very 80's head banging is the main reason musicians often endure this dilemma but think about it ...having hair just to be metal or what ever and then the rest of the time its pony tailed . Ive got to the age where time races by and every now and again I realise "shit my hair is long again " and out come the clippers so if you regret cutting it dont worry .
We shouldnt judge people by hair . Long hair is a *lets be part of a club* kind of thing thats just a shallow attitude . A couple of my so called freinds no longer keep in contact since I lost the hair .
Judging from your pic above (OP) you might have the hair for this cut:



I think that would be a good compromise! It's definitely one for the ladies plus it doesn't take all that long to grow it back if you don't like it.
Long hair is a *lets be part of a club* kind of thing thats just a shallow attitude.

I'm gonna hafta go ahead and disagree with you on that one, at least for my part. What if, and I'm probably reaching here, you actually like having long hair?
I'm gonna hafta go ahead and disagree with you on that one, at least for my part. What if, and I'm probably reaching here, you actually like having long hair?

Gonna agree with Terminus, and follow up with what I said before.. You guys seem to know some fucking stupid people :P haha There's NOTHING cool or 'part of the group' with long hair where I live :P
About the long hair/girls thing, imo one has to look at it from the reverse perspective: most of us dudes rather see a girl with long hair, short hair on a girl is not as common, it's often perceived as a deep statement (instead of just some vain fashion choice) and still doesn't mean some girls can't look good like that and pull off the look well (but most of them don't, tbh).

I personally think I look like a damn dork with short hair, but that may be because my only reference is old photos from when I was a smiling kid who didn't pick his own clothes :lol:
What I know is, if I ever do cut it, it's gonna be because I desire to, not because of what others might think about it or me; if they don't like it, think I look like a hobo, etc fuck 'em :kickass:
I take care of the hair and beard daily, anyway.
Thanks for all the replies, guys. As an update, I DID cut my hair, but only a couple inches :p. Actually, a few pieces in the front got cut to mouth level (shortest I've had it since 13 or whatever). Even that was relatively traumatic and I'm taking biotin now because I want the old length back without the split ends hahaha

FWIW, long hair does sometimes feel like a "club" thing when you're at a metal show, but that's what, maybe less than 1% of your life? The rest of your life, you are totally out of the club of normal, everyday "joe shmoe" society.

Also FWIW, there's plenty of chicks with short hair that look incredible. While in general I prefer long hair on a woman, there's tons of hot short-haired chicks, too, and if I had a gf with short hair, I'd never tell her to grow it out unless she wanted to.
There's nothing more sexy than hair falling right on the boobs and having those caress your fingers/hands as you grab those titties. :kickass: