Convince me to Keep or Cut my Hair

I'm over 6 feet tall and my hair goes down to the bottom of my ass cheeks. The only time I've ever had short hair was from kindergarten to 7th grade.
I used to see Herman Lee and be like "That guy has such long hair" Then I see group pictures of me and my friends and I realize mine's longer.
I feel like if I get into a fight someone could really fuck me up from all this hair.
The only times I've really ever thought that dudes with long hair looked better than if they were to have short hair was on stage or in a bun. Given the fact that most people spend 0% of their time on stage, I'd opt for cutting it if you can't bun it.

That said I switch rotate between the Hitler Youth, Young Republican, and Macklemore Undercut every few months, and am a pretty big fan of changing things up on a whim.
Thanks for all the replies so far! Some great comments and advice so far.

Thinking about it more, this is a bit of "the grass is greener on the other side" syndrome. Worrying about what you're missing out on in life by not having a more traditional haircut. But it's a time-consuming risk if you cut it and don't dig it, or if you find that nothing in life really changes for the better.

Did I miss the pics?

Don't cut it for chicks, no matter what they say! It's not like you could go up to them afterwards and say "Hey, I cut my hair, let's hang out.". Ultimately they'll be drawn to confidence. If you need short hair to get that that's cool. But don't think you'll be confident just because you've got short hair all of a sudden.

That being said I know what you mean with being held back. During the week I wear a casual office outfit and tie my hair back to a knot. Still I get offered drugs on the street all the fricking time. Since my clothes are normal I can only assume it's the hair that makes me look like I would want to buy something (which I don't). I was thinking about dressing even more "business" to improve that situation.

In the professional world I don't think it's held me back so far. I know a guy who has some sort of technical PhD and hair down to his ass. He shows up to meetings with his hair down and a band shirt on. He knows his shit though so as soon as he opens his mouth nobody cares what he looks like anymore.

One thing I'd encourage you to do is go find a great hairdresser. They'll charge you 50 bucks or something but if they are real good they can give you an actual cut (as opposed to just having long hair). That might change things for you. I know it did for me. There are a lot of variations you can try to change things up a bit without the full risk of going shorthaired right away. Also they will know what kind of hair style fits your face. It's a little hard to find someone like that but if you've got someone that's really good you'll be amazed how much time they take and what things they pay attention to. Find "classy" girls among your friends who's hair you like and ask them if they can recommend someone.

I've been debating cutting my long hair of ~15 years every know and then. I'd be very curious to see what it looks like but like you I'm just afraid I wont like it so nothing drastic ever happens.

No, I didn't post any pics. I think the other guy was just fucking around. You make some great points. Ironically, I have thought that if I decide to cut it short, before I do that I should go total 80s heavy metal and have a hairdresser cut eye-level bangs in the front. Now THAT would be a female repellent haha

is that you? you should try getting a cool haircut, shaving, and buying normal clothes.

Yes, that is me. However, I was seeking opinions about long hair, not really fashion advice. Not sure if you're taking the piss, but even if I cut my hair, I'm not going to stop wearing leather, or stop being in a death metal band, etc. And I'm currently clean shaven, too.
Honestly looks alright on you mate, I wouldn't worry about it too much - I think its probably better to have something different/interesting as far as the womenz goes as long as it's not horrifically ugly and yours looks interesting. The thing is if you cut it you could just end up looking like every other pleb out there with a short hair cut and lifes too short for that.

9/10 other guys I'd just be straight up telling to shave that shit tho - cos a lot of dudes don't have the hair type for it - me included.
Yes, that is me. However, I was seeking opinions about long hair, not really fashion advice. Not sure if you're taking the piss, but even if I cut my hair, I'm not going to stop wearing leather, or stop being in a death metal band, etc. And I'm currently clean shaven, too.

I didnt mean to offend you. You're a good looking guy and I think the whole 80s metal look and long curly hair is holding you back. Youve had the same style since you were 15 right? You should give a new style a try, Im positive it will look great on you.
I cut mine a few years back and I shouldn't have. I'd say do what you want and don't pay attention to your jealous normal-haired friends.
It grows back, but you have to go through a really awkward year

I feel like if I get into a fight someone could really fuck me up from all this hair.

Attach some knifes to it and headbang around like an helicopter.

Lol I hope that was a very idiotic (being polite here) joke.

Of course it was you greasy bald ball.
Coincidentally, something I've been considering as well. Had long hair since I was 15, and I'm turning 24 this summer. Every now and then I find myself entertaining thoughts of cutting it short, I mean, why the fuck not - I'm just the drummer after all, people wouldn't see me headbanging anyway :lol: I honestly also can't really remember ever really getting compliments for it. On top of all that, I always keep it on a ponytail anyway because it kinda poofs out otherwise.

Even though I might look potentially a lot better with short hair, I guess I've been a little worried about looking just like everybody else. I'm not sure I'd mind these days, if I'd just look better. I suppose I'm over a phase and the
long hair just stuck.

I'd say don't get too bitter if people judge you by your looks upon meeting you. Guys with long hair are marginal stuff with girls. It's more likely biological than superficial.

Man, this thread really got me wondering, why is my hair long again?
If picking up women is legitimately part of this equation at all... Then a lot of you guys need to sort your shit out :p
I comfortably fall into 'less attractive guy with long hair' but can happily and confidently pick up damn decent women because I actually LIKE who I am and what I look like and have confidence for miles. The second something so superficial had any impact on how I dress/ look etc... Then that's when I ask myself what's wrong with me? Fuck that shit...
Why you need people approval? just cut it or don't whatever you feel alright, if you need a change do it, but don't do it to see if you get more chicks or to get more respect from people, just be yourself, i cutted it once and hated it so i grew it back, i don't have problem with social relations or work, you may look like a hobo but if you are good at what you do you'll never gonna have a problem, if you are a nice person, you'll never have a problem with respect or grabbing chicks, if you want chicks by your look and don't wanna cut your hair, grow a beard, thats infallible.
I cut it when I realised it was in ponytail all the time, so what's the point. I had long hair for 11 years but now if I see guys with long hair they look weird.
I'm just going to chime in here a tiny bit, not having read the whole thread.

I had long hair forever, after I buzzed it all off, holy hell did I feel great. Just to feel the wind on my head was great. I'd forgotten what that felt like. I just felt cleaner all around too.

That might be something to look forward to? I was scared I would miss my hair, like a woman would. I don't, this is way easier but thats me.
I don't see how taking into consideration how other people treat you based on your appearance is weird or not staying true to yourself. If you make a lifestyle change it and it improves your daily interactions with people in some minuscule way it sounds like you are benefiting and then that's doing it for you and not for them. Obviously in some degree he wants to do it or he wouldn't be thinking about it. If he feels like he' been in a rut relationship wise for six years (seems like a long time to me) making a change like cutting one's hair seems like a minor thing that could potentially instill some confidence. I know when I cut my hair the way people start treating me definitely improved my confidence/self esteem and in turn my life in general. I dunno, I don't think it's really possible to "do it for them" unless someone straight up tells you to cut your hair and you oblige. Just my two cents.
I too am close to cutting my hair...
just not really sure how retarded I'd look since I have a rather high forehead (at least a fivehead) and fine hair (was always the case, so it's not like I'm balding or so...)
there's a limited amount you can do with a lot of face and thin hair.

About the girls:
it's true that fewer girls like long haired men, but the percentage of long haired men is even smaller, so the chances are actually better...

simple math:
assuming 10% of women are into long haired men.,
only 5% of males have long hair...
so despite the fact that only few people like long haired males, we can still choose from twice as many potential mates as our short haired colleages...just much less competition ;)
A good portion of women who are into long haired dudes are social misfits, overly possessive suicidal goth, super needy drama queens or just plain sociopaths. :D